You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

134 lines
5.3 KiB

/* eslint-disable camelcase */
import { statSync } from 'fs';
import { pick } from 'lodash';
import { lookup } from 'mime-types';
import {
BadRequestError, ForbiddenError, ValidationError,
} from '../error';
import { PRIV } from '../model/builtin';
import * as oplog from '../model/oplog';
import storage from '../model/storage';
import * as system from '../model/system';
import user from '../model/user';
import {
Handler, param, post, Route, Types,
} from '../service/server';
import { sortFiles } from '../utils';
class SwitchLanguageHandler extends Handler {
@param('lang', Types.Name)
async get(domainId: string, lang: string) {
if (this.user.hasPriv(PRIV.PRIV_USER_PROFILE)) {
this.session.viewLang = lang;
await user.setById(this.user._id, { viewLang: lang });
} else this.session.viewLang = lang;
export class FilesHandler extends Handler {
@param('pjax', Types.Boolean)
async get(domainId: string, pjax = false) {
const files = sortFiles(this.user._files);
if (pjax) {
this.response.body = {
fragments: (await Promise.all([
this.renderHTML('partials/home_files.html', { files }),
])).map((i) => ({ html: i })),
this.response.template = '';
} else {
this.response.template = 'home_files.html';
this.response.body = { files };
@post('filename', Types.Name, true)
async postUploadFile(domainId: string, filename: string) {
if ((this.user._files?.length || 0) >= system.get('limit.user_files')) {
throw new ForbiddenError('File limit exceeded.');
if (!this.request.files.file) throw new ValidationError('file');
const f = statSync(this.request.files.file.path);
const size = Math.sum((this.user._files || []).map((i) => i.size)) + f.size;
if (size >= system.get('limit.user_files_size')) {
throw new ForbiddenError('File size limit exceeded.');
if (!filename) filename = || String.random(16);
if (filename.includes('/') || filename.includes('..')) throw new ValidationError('filename', null, 'Bad filename');
if (this.user._files.filter((i) => === filename).length) throw new BadRequestError('file exists');
await storage.put(`user/${this.user._id}/${filename}`, this.request.files.file.path);
const meta = await storage.getMeta(`user/${this.user._id}/${filename}`);
const payload = { name: filename, ...pick(meta, ['size', 'lastModified', 'etag']) };
if (!meta) throw new Error('Upload failed');
this.user._files.push({ _id: filename, ...payload });
await user.setById(this.user._id, { _files: this.user._files });
@post('files', Types.Array)
async postDeleteFiles(domainId: string, files: string[]) {
await Promise.all([
storage.del( => `user/${this.user._id}/${t}`)),
user.setById(this.user._id, { _files: this.user._files.filter((i) => !files.includes( }),
export class FSDownloadHandler extends Handler {
@param('uid', Types.Int)
@param('filename', Types.Name)
@param('noDisposition', Types.Boolean)
async get(domainId: string, uid: number, filename: string, noDisposition = false) {
this.response.addHeader('Cache-Control', 'public');
const target = `user/${uid}/${filename}`;
const file = await storage.getMeta(target);
await oplog.add({
type: 'download',
time: new Date(),
uid: this.user._id,
ip: this.request.ip,
fileType: 'user',
referer: this.request.referer,
size: file?.size || 0,
if (!file) {
this.response.redirect = await storage.signDownloadLink(
target, noDisposition ? undefined : filename, false, 'user',
const type = lookup(filename).toString();
const shouldProxy = ['image', 'video', 'audio', 'pdf', 'vnd'].filter((i) => type.includes(i)).length;
if (shouldProxy && file.size! < 32 * 1024 * 1024) {
this.response.etag = file.etag;
this.response.body = await storage.get(target);
this.response.type = file['Content-Type'] || type;
if (!noDisposition) this.response.disposition = `attachment; filename=${encodeURIComponent(filename)}`;
} else {
this.response.redirect = await storage.signDownloadLink(
target, noDisposition ? undefined : filename, false, 'user',
export class SwitchAccountHandler extends Handler {
@param('uid', Types.Int)
async get(domainId: string, uid: number) {
this.session.uid = uid;
export async function apply() {
Route('switch_language', '/language/:lang', SwitchLanguageHandler);
Route('home_files', '/file', FilesHandler, PRIV.PRIV_CREATE_FILE);
Route('fs_download', '/file/:uid/:filename', FSDownloadHandler);
Route('switch_account', '/account', SwitchAccountHandler, PRIV.PRIV_EDIT_SYSTEM);
global.Hydro.handler.misc = apply;