You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

194 lines
7.0 KiB

import cac from 'cac';
import fs from 'fs-extra';
import { ParseEntry } from 'shell-quote';
import { STATUS } from '@hydrooj/utils/lib/status';
import { getConfig } from './config';
import { FormatError, SystemError } from './error';
import { Logger } from './log';
import { SandboxClient } from './sandbox/client';
import {
Cmd, CopyInFile, SandboxResult, SandboxStatus,
} from './sandbox/interface';
import { cmd, parseMemoryMB } from './utils';
const argv = cac().parse();
const logger = new Logger('sandbox');
let callId = 0;
let supportOptional = false;
const statusMap: Map<SandboxStatus, number> = new Map([
[SandboxStatus.TimeLimitExceeded, STATUS.STATUS_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED],
[SandboxStatus.MemoryLimitExceeded, STATUS.STATUS_MEMORY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED],
[SandboxStatus.OutputLimitExceeded, STATUS.STATUS_RUNTIME_ERROR],
[SandboxStatus.Accepted, STATUS.STATUS_ACCEPTED],
[SandboxStatus.NonzeroExitStatus, STATUS.STATUS_RUNTIME_ERROR],
[SandboxStatus.InternalError, STATUS.STATUS_SYSTEM_ERROR],
[SandboxStatus.FileError, STATUS.STATUS_SYSTEM_ERROR],
[SandboxStatus.Signalled, STATUS.STATUS_RUNTIME_ERROR],
interface Parameter {
time?: number;
stdin?: string;
stdout?: string;
stderr?: string;
execute?: string;
memory?: number;
processLimit?: number;
copyIn?: Record<string, CopyInFile>;
copyOut?: string[];
copyOutCached?: string[];
cacheStdoutAndStderr?: boolean;
env?: Record<string, string>;
interface SandboxAdaptedResult {
status: number;
code: number;
time_usage_ms: number;
memory_usage_kb?: number;
files: Record<string, string>;
fileIds?: Record<string, string>;
stdout?: string;
stderr?: string;
error?: string;
function checkStringArray(args: ParseEntry[]): args is string[] {
return args.every((arg: ParseEntry) => typeof arg === 'string');
function parseArgs(execute: string): string[] {
const args = cmd(execute);
if (!checkStringArray(args)) {
throw new SystemError(`${execute} contains invalid operator`);
return args;
function proc({
execute = '',
time = 16000,
memory = parseMemoryMB(getConfig('memoryMax')),
processLimit = getConfig('processLimit'),
stdin = '', copyIn = {}, copyOut = [], copyOutCached = [],
cacheStdoutAndStderr = false,
env = {},
}: Parameter = {}): Cmd {
if (!supportOptional) {
copyOut = => (i.endsWith('?') ? i.substring(0, i.length - 1) : i));
const size = parseMemoryMB(getConfig('stdio_size'));
const rate = getConfig('rate');
const copyOutCachedCopy = [...copyOutCached];
if (cacheStdoutAndStderr) {
copyOutCachedCopy.push('stdout', 'stderr');
return {
args: parseArgs(execute),
env: [...getConfig('env').split('\n'), ...Object.keys(env).map((i) => `${i}=${env[i].replace(/=/g, '\\=')}`)],
files: [
stdin ? { src: stdin } : { content: '' },
{ name: 'stdout', max: Math.floor(1024 * 1024 * size) },
{ name: 'stderr', max: Math.floor(1024 * 1024 * size) },
cpuLimit: Math.floor(time * 1000 * 1000 * rate),
clockLimit: Math.floor(time * 3000 * 1000 * rate),
memoryLimit: Math.floor(memory * 1024 * 1024),
strictMemoryLimit: getConfig('strict_memory'),
// stackLimit: memory * 1024 * 1024,
procLimit: processLimit,
copyOutCached: copyOutCachedCopy,
async function adaptResult(result: SandboxResult, params: Parameter): Promise<SandboxAdaptedResult> {
const rate = getConfig('rate') as number;
// FIXME: Signalled?
const ret: SandboxAdaptedResult = {
status: statusMap.get(result.status) || STATUS.STATUS_ACCEPTED,
time_usage_ms: result.time / 1000000 / rate,
memory_usage_kb: result.memory / 1024,
files: result.files,
code: result.exitStatus,
if (ret.time_usage_ms >= (params.time || 16000)) {
ret.files = result.files || {};
ret.fileIds = result.fileIds || {};
if (params.stdout) await fs.writeFile(params.stdout, ret.files.stdout || '');
else ret.stdout = ret.files.stdout || '';
if (params.stderr) await fs.writeFile(params.stderr, ret.files.stderr || result.error || '');
else ret.stderr = ret.files.stderr || result.error || '';
if (result.error) ret.error = result.error;
return ret;
export async function runPiped(execute0: Parameter, execute1: Parameter): Promise<[SandboxAdaptedResult, SandboxAdaptedResult]> {
let res: SandboxResult[];
const size = parseMemoryMB(getConfig('stdio_size'));
try {
const body = {
cmd: [
pipeMapping: [{
in: { index: 0, fd: 1 },
out: { index: 1, fd: 0 },
proxy: true,
name: 'stdout',
max: 1024 * 1024 * size,
}, {
in: { index: 1, fd: 1 },
out: { index: 0, fd: 0 },
proxy: true,
name: 'stdout',
max: 1024 * 1024 * size,
body.cmd[0].files[0] = null;
body.cmd[0].files[1] = null;
body.cmd[1].files[0] = null;
body.cmd[1].files[1] = null;
const id = callId++;
if (argv.options.showSandbox) logger.debug('%d %s', id, JSON.stringify(body));
res = await new SandboxClient(getConfig('sandbox_host')).run(body);
if (argv.options.showSandbox) logger.debug('%d %s', id, JSON.stringify(res));
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof FormatError) throw e;
throw new SystemError('Sandbox Error', [e]);
return await Promise.all( => adaptResult(r, {}))) as [SandboxAdaptedResult, SandboxAdaptedResult];
export async function del(fileId: string) {
await new SandboxClient(getConfig('sandbox_host')).deleteFile(fileId);
export async function run(execute: string, params?: Parameter): Promise<SandboxAdaptedResult> {
let result: SandboxResult;
try {
const client = new SandboxClient(getConfig('sandbox_host'));
if (!supportOptional) {
const res = await client.version();
supportOptional = res.copyOutOptional;
if (!supportOptional) logger.warn('Sandbox version tooooooo low! Please upgrade to at least 1.2.0');
const body = { cmd: [proc({ execute, ...params })] };
const id = callId++;
if (argv.options.showSandbox) logger.debug('%d %s', id, JSON.stringify(body));
const res = await;
if (argv.options.showSandbox) logger.debug('%d %s', id, JSON.stringify(res));
[result] = res;
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof FormatError) throw e;
// FIXME request body larger than maxBodyLength limit
throw new SystemError('Sandbox Error', e.message);
return await adaptResult(result, params);