You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

363 lines
15 KiB

import yaml from 'js-yaml';
import moment from 'moment-timezone';
import { ObjectID } from 'mongodb';
import AdmZip from 'adm-zip';
import {
ValidationError, HomeworkNotLiveError, ProblemNotFoundError,
} from '../error';
import { Route, Handler } from '../service/server';
import { PERM } from '../model/builtin';
import * as system from '../model/system';
import * as user from '../model/user';
import * as contest from '../model/contest';
import * as discussion from '../model/discussion';
import * as problem from '../model/problem';
import * as record from '../model/record';
import * as document from '../model/document';
import paginate from '../lib/paginate';
const HomeworkHandler = contest.ContestHandlerMixin(Handler);
class HomeworkMainHandler extends HomeworkHandler {
async get({ domainId }) {
const tdocs = await contest.getMulti(domainId, {}, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK).toArray();
const calendar = [];
for (const tdoc of tdocs) {
const cal = { ...tdoc, url: `/homework/${tdoc.docId}` };
if (contest.isExtended(tdoc) || contest.isDone(tdoc)) {
cal.endAt = tdoc.endAt;
cal.penaltySince = tdoc.penaltySince;
} else {
cal.endAt = tdoc.penaltySince;
const path = [
['Hydro', 'homepage'],
['homework_main', null],
this.response.body = { tdocs, calendar, path };
this.response.template = 'homework_main.html';
class HomeworkDetailHandler extends HomeworkHandler {
async get({ domainId, tid, page = 1 }) {
const tdoc = await contest.get(domainId, tid, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK);
const [tsdoc, pdict] = await Promise.all([
contest.getStatus(domainId, tdoc.docId, this.user._id, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK),
problem.getList(domainId, tdoc.pids, true),
const psdict = {};
let rdict = {};
let attended = false;
if (tsdoc) {
attended = tsdoc.attend === 1;
for (const pdetail of tsdoc.journal || []) {
psdict[] = pdetail;
rdict[pdetail.rid] = { _id: pdetail.rid };
if (this.canShowRecord(tdoc) && tsdoc.journal) {
rdict = await record.getList(
domainId, => pdetail.rid),
// discussion
const [ddocs, dpcount, dcount] = await paginate(
discussion.getMulti(domainId, { parentType: tdoc.docType, parentId: tdoc.docId }),
await system.get('DISCUSSION_PER_PAGE'),
const uids = => ddoc.owner);
const udict = await user.getList(domainId, uids);
const path = [
['Hydro', 'homepage'],
['homework_main', 'homework_main'],
[tdoc.title, null, null, true],
this.response.template = 'homework_detail.html';
this.response.body = {
tdoc, tsdoc, attended, udict, pdict, psdict, rdict, ddocs, page, dpcount, dcount, path,
async postAttend({ domainId, tid }) {
const tdoc = await contest.get(domainId, tid, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK);
if (contest.isDone(tdoc)) throw new HomeworkNotLiveError(tdoc.docId);
await contest.attend(domainId, tdoc.docId, this.user._id, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK);
class HomeworkDetailProblemHandler extends HomeworkHandler {
async prepare({ domainId, tid, pid }) {
[this.tdoc, this.pdoc, this.tsdoc] = await Promise.all([
contest.get(domainId, tid, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK),
problem.get(domainId, pid, this.user._id),
contest.getStatus(domainId, tid, this.user._id, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK),
async get({ domainId, tid, pid }) {
const udoc = await user.getById(domainId, this.tdoc.owner);
const attended = this.tsdoc && this.tsdoc.attend === 1;
if (!contest.isDone(this.tdoc)) {
if (!attended) throw new HomeworkNotAttendedError(tid);
if (!contest.isOngoing(this.tdoc)) throw new HomeworkNotLiveError(tid);
if (!this.tdoc.pids.includes(pid)) throw new ProblemNotFoundError(domainId, pid, tid);
const path = [
['Hydro', 'homepage'],
['homework_main', 'homework_main'],
[this.tdoc.title, 'homework_detail', { tid }, true],
[this.pdoc.title, null, null, true],
this.response.template = 'problem_detail.html';
this.response.body = {
tdoc: this.tdoc, pdoc: this.pdoc, tsdoc: this.tsdoc, udoc, attended, path,
class HomeworkDetailProblemSubmitHandler extends HomeworkDetailProblemHandler {
async get({ domainId, tid, pid }) {
const udoc = await user.getById(domainId, this.tdoc.owner);
const attended = this.tsdoc && this.tsdoc.attend === 1;
if (!attended) throw new HomeworkNotAttendedError(tid);
if (!contest.isOngoing(this.tdoc)) throw new HomeworkNotLiveError(tid);
if (!this.tdoc.pids.includes(pid)) throw new ProblemNotFoundError(domainId, pid, tid);
const rdocs = this.canShowRecord(this.tdoc)
? await record.getUserInProblemMulti(domainId, this.user._id, pid, true)
.sort('_id', -1).limit(10).toArray()
: [];
const path = [
['Hydro', 'homepage'],
['homework_main', 'homework_main'],
[this.tdoc.title, 'homework_detail', { tid }, true],
[this.pdoc.title, 'homework_detail_problem', { tid, pid }, true],
['homework_detail_problem_submit', null],
this.response.template = 'problem_submit.html';
this.response.body = {
tdoc: this.tdoc, pdoc: this.pdoc, tsdoc: this.tsdoc, udoc, attended, path, rdocs,
async post({
domainId, tid, pid, code, lang,
}) {
this.limitRate('add_record', 60, 100);
const tsdoc = await contest.getStatus(domainId, tid, this.user._id, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK);
if (!tsdoc.attend) throw new HomeworkNotAttendedError(tid);
if (!contest.isOngoing(this.tdoc)) throw new HomeworkNotLiveError(tid);
if (!this.tdoc.pids.includes(pid)) throw new ProblemNotFoundError(domainId, pid);
const rid = await record.add(domainId, {
pid, lang, code, uid: this.user._id, tid, hidden: true, ttype: document.TYPE_HOMEWORK,
await contest.updateStatus(domainId, tid, this.user._id,
rid, pid, false, 0, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK);
this.response.body = { tid, rid };
if (this.canShowRecord(this.tdoc)) this.response.redirect = this.url('record_detail', { rid });
else this.response.redirect = this.url('homework_detail', { tid });
class HomeworkCreateHandler extends HomeworkHandler {
async get() {
const beginAt = moment().add(1, 'day');
const penaltySince = beginAt.clone().add(7, 'days');
const path = [
['Hydro', 'homepage'],
['homework_main', 'homework_main'],
['homework_create', null],
this.response.template = 'homework_edit.html';
this.response.body = {
timeBeginText: '00:00',
timePenaltyText: '23:59',
pids: '1000, 1001',
extensionDays: 1,
page_name: 'homework_create',
async post({
domainId, title, content, beginAtDate, beginAtTime,
penaltySinceDate, penaltySinceTime, extensionDays,
penaltyRules, pids, rated = false,
}) {
let beginAt;
let penaltySince;
try {
beginAt =`${beginAtDate} ${beginAtTime}`, this.user.timeZone);
} catch (e) {
throw new ValidationError('beginAtDate', 'beginAtTime');
try {
penaltySince =`${penaltySinceDate} ${penaltySinceTime}`, this.user.timeZone);
} catch (e) {
throw new ValidationError('endAtDate', 'endAtTime');
const endAt = penaltySince.clone().add(extensionDays, 'days');
if (beginAt.isSameOrAfter(penaltySince)) throw new ValidationError('endAtDate', 'endAtTime');
if (penaltySince.isAfter(endAt)) throw new ValidationError('extensionDays');
penaltySince = penaltySince.toDate();
await this.verifyProblems(domainId, pids);
const tid = await contest.add(domainId, title, content, this.user._id,
'homework', beginAt.toDate(), endAt.toDate(), pids, rated,
{ penaltySince, penaltyRules }, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK);
this.response.body = { tid };
this.response.redirect = this.url('homework_detail', { tid });
class HomeworkEditHandler extends HomeworkHandler {
async get({ domainId, tid }) {
const tdoc = await contest.get(domainId, tid, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK);
if (tdoc.owner !== this.user._id) this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_EDIT_HOMEWORK);
else this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_EDIT_HOMEWORK_SELF);
const extensionDays = Math.round(
(tdoc.endAt.getTime() - tdoc.penaltySince.getTime()) / 36000 / 24,
) / 100;
const path = [
['Hydro', 'homepage'],
['homework_main', 'homework_main'],
[tdoc.title, 'homework_detail', { tid }, true],
['homework_edit', null],
const beginAt = moment(tdoc.beginAt).tz(this.user.timeZone);
const penaltySince = moment(tdoc.penaltySince).tz(this.user.timeZone);
this.response.template = 'homework_edit.html';
this.response.body = {
dateBeginText: beginAt.format('YYYY-M-D'),
timeBeginText: beginAt.format('hh:mm'),
datePenaltyText: penaltySince.format('YYYY-M-D'),
timePenaltyText: penaltySince.format('hh:mm'),
penaltyRules: yaml.safeDump(tdoc.penaltyRules),
pids: tdoc.pids.join(','),
async post({
domainId, title, content, beginAtDate, beginAtTime,
penaltySinceDate, penaltySinceTime, extensionDays,
penaltyRules, pids, tid,
}) {
const tdoc = await contest.get(domainId, tid, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK);
if (tdoc.owner !== this.user._id) this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_EDIT_HOMEWORK);
else this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_EDIT_HOMEWORK_SELF);
let beginAt;
let penaltySince;
try {
beginAt =`${beginAtDate} ${beginAtTime}`, this.user.timeZone);
} catch (e) {
throw new ValidationError('beginAtDate', 'beginAtTime');
try {
penaltySince =`${penaltySinceDate} ${penaltySinceTime}`, this.user.timeZone);
} catch (e) {
throw new ValidationError('endAtDate', 'endAtTime');
let endAt = penaltySince.clone().add(extensionDays, 'days');
if (beginAt.isSameOrAfter(penaltySince)) throw new ValidationError('endAtDate', 'endAtTime');
await this.verifyProblems(domainId, pids);
beginAt = beginAt.toDate();
endAt = endAt.toDate();
penaltySince = penaltySince.toDate();
await contest.edit(domainId, tid, {
title, content, beginAt, endAt, pids, penaltySince, penaltyRules,
}, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK);
if (tdoc.beginAt !== beginAt
|| tdoc.endAt !== endAt
|| tdoc.penaltySince !== penaltySince
|| new Set(tdoc.pids) !== new Set(pids)) {
await contest.recalcStatus(domainId, tdoc.docId, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK);
this.response.body = { tid };
this.response.redirect = this.url('homework_detail', { tid });
class HomeworkScoreboardHandler extends HomeworkHandler {
async get({ domainId, tid }) {
const [tdoc, rows, udict] = await this.getScoreboard(
domainId, tid, false, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK,
const path = [
['Hydro', 'homepage'],
['homework_main', 'homework_main'],
[tdoc.title, 'homework_detail', { tid }, true],
['homework_scoreboard', null],
this.response.template = 'contest_scoreboard.html';
this.response.body = {
tdoc, rows, path, udict,
class HomeworkScoreboardDownloadHandler extends HomeworkHandler {
async get({ domainId, tid, ext }) {
const getContent = {
csv: async (rows) => `\uFEFF${ => ( => i.value).join(','))).join('\n')}`,
html: (rows) => this.renderHTML('contest_scoreboard_download_html.html', { rows }),
if (!getContent[ext]) throw new ValidationError('ext');
const [, rows] = await this.getScoreboard(domainId, tid, true, document.TYPE_CONTEST);
this.binary(await getContent[ext](rows), `${this.tdoc.title}.${ext}`);
class HomeworkCodeHandler extends HomeworkHandler {
async get({ domainId, tid }) {
this.limitRate('homework_code', 3600, 60);
const [tdoc, tsdocs] = await contest.getAndListStatus(
domainId, tid, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK,
const rnames = {};
for (const tsdoc of tsdocs) {
for (const pdetail of tsdoc.detail || []) {
rnames[pdetail.rid] = `U${tsdoc.uid}_P${}_R${pdetail.rid}`;
const zip = new AdmZip();
const rdocs = await record.getMulti(domainId, {
_id: {
$in: Array.from(Object.keys(rnames)).map((id) => new ObjectID(id)),
for (const rdoc of rdocs) {
zip.addFile(`${rnames[rdoc._id]}.${rdoc.lang}`, rdoc.code);
await this.binary(zip.toBuffer(), `${tdoc.title}.zip`);
export async function apply() {
Route('homework_main', '/homework', HomeworkMainHandler, PERM.PERM_VIEW_HOMEWORK);
Route('homework_create', '/homework/create', HomeworkCreateHandler, PERM.PERM_CREATE_HOMEWORK);
Route('homework_detail', '/homework/:tid', HomeworkDetailHandler, PERM.PERM_VIEW_HOMEWORK);
Route('homework_scoreboard', '/homework/:tid/scoreboard', HomeworkScoreboardHandler, PERM.PERM_VIEW_HOMEWORK_SCOREBOARD);
Route('homework_scoreboard', '/homework/:tid/scoreboard/download/:ext', HomeworkScoreboardDownloadHandler, PERM.PERM_VIEW_HOMEWORK_SCOREBOARD);
Route('homework_detail_problem', '/homework/:tid/p/:pid', HomeworkDetailProblemHandler, PERM.PERM_VIEW_HOMEWORK);
Route('homework_detail_problem_submit', '/homework/:tid/p/:pid/submit', HomeworkDetailProblemSubmitHandler, PERM.PERM_SUBMIT_PROBLEM);
Route('homework_code', '/homework/:tid/code', HomeworkCodeHandler, PERM.PERM_VIEW_HOMEWORK);
Route('homework_edit', '/homework/:tid/edit', HomeworkEditHandler);
global.Hydro.handler.homework = apply;