You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

227 lines
10 KiB

{% import "components/home.html" as home with context %}
{% extends "layout/basic.html" %}
{% block content %}
<div class="row">
<div class="medium-9 columns">
<div class="section">
<div class="profile-header user-profile-bg--{{ vj4.model.adaptor.setting.UserSetting(udoc, dudoc).get_setting('background_img') }}">
<div class="profile-header__content">
<div class="media">
<div class="media__left">
<img src="{{ udoc['gravatar']|gravatar_url }}" width="120" height="120" class="large user-profile-avatar">
<div class="media__body profile-header__main">
{{ udoc['uname'] }}
<small>({{ _('UID') }}: {{ udoc['_id'] }})</small>
{{ _('Registered at') }} {{ datetime_span(udoc['regat']) }},
{{ _('last login at') }} {{ datetime_span(udoc['loginat']) }},
{% if sdoc %}
{{ _('last active at') }} {{ datetime_span(sdoc['update_at']) }}.
{% else %}
{{ _('currently offline') }}.
{% endif %}
<p>{{ _('Solved {0} problems, RP: {1} (No. {2})').format(dudoc.nAccept|default(0), dudoc['rp']|default(0.0)|round(2), dudoc['rank']|default('?')) }}</p>
<div class="profile-header__contact-bar">
{% if is_self_profile %}
<a class="profile-header__contact-item" href="{{ reverse_url('home_account') }}#setting_info" data-tooltip="{{ _('Edit Profile') }}">
<span class="icon icon-edit"></span>
{% endif %}
<a class="profile-header__contact-item" href="/home/messages?target_uid={{ udoc['_id'] }}" target="_blank" data-tooltip="{{ _('Send Message') }}">
<span class="icon icon-comment--multiple"></span>
{% if handler.can_view(udoc, 'mail') and udoc['mail'] %}
<a class="profile-header__contact-item" href="javascript:;" name="profile_contact_copy" data-content="{{ udoc['mail'] | base64_encode }}" data-tooltip="{{ _('Copy Email') }}">
<span class="icon icon-mail"></span>
{% endif %}
{% if handler.can_view(udoc, 'qq') and udoc['qq'] %}
<a class="profile-header__contact-item" href="javascript:;" name="profile_contact_copy" data-content="{{ udoc['qq'] | base64_encode }}" data-tooltip="{{ _('Copy QQ Number') }}">
<span class="icon icon-qq"></span>
{% endif %}
{% if handler.can_view(udoc, 'wechat') and udoc['wechat'] %}
<a class="profile-header__contact-item" href="javascript:;" name="profile_contact_copy" data-content="{{ udoc['wechat'] | base64_encode }}" data-tooltip="{{ _('Copy WeChat Account') }}">
<span class="icon icon-wechat"></span>
{% endif %}
{% if
handler.get_udoc_setting(udoc, 'gender') != none
and handler.get_udoc_setting(udoc, 'gender') != vj4.constant.model.USER_GENDER_OTHER
and handler.can_view(udoc, 'gender')
data-tooltip="{{ vj4.constant.model.USER_GENDER_RANGE[handler.get_udoc_setting(udoc, 'gender')] }}"
{{ vj4.constant.model.USER_GENDER_ICONS[handler.get_udoc_setting(udoc, 'gender')] }}
{% endif %}
{% if handler.dudoc_has_perm(udoc, dudoc, perm.PERM_MOD_BADGE) %}
class="profile-header__contact-item user-profile-badge badge--mod"
data-tooltip="{{ _('{} is a moderator of this domain.').format(_('She' if handler.get_udoc_setting(udoc, 'gender') == 1 else 'He')) }}"
{% endif %}
<div class="profile-content">
<div class="section__tab-container immersive">
<ul class="section__tabs">
<li class="section__tab-item">
<h1 class="section__tab-title">{{ _('Discussions') }} ({{ dcount }})</h1>
<div class="section__tab-main">
{% if not ddocs %}
{{ nothing.render('Oh, the user hasn\'t created any discussions yet!') }}
{% else %}
<div class="section__header">
<h1 class="section__title">{{ _('Recently Created Discussions') }}</h1>
<div class="section__body no-padding">
{% with udict = {udoc['_id']: udoc} %}
{% include "partials/discussion_list.html" %}
{% endwith %}
{% endif %}
<li class="section__tab-item">
<h1 class="section__tab-title">{{ _('Contributions') }} ({{ pcount + pscount }})</h1>
<div class="section__tab-main">
{% if not pdocs and not psdocs %}
{{ nothing.render('Oh, the user doesn\'t have any contributions!') }}
{% else %}
{% if pdocs %}
<div class="section__header">
<h1 class="section__title">{{ _('Contributed Problems') }}</h1>
<div class="section__body">
{% for pdoc in pdocs %}
<p><a href="/p/{{ }}">{{ pdoc['title'] }}</a></p>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}{# if pdocs #}
{% if psdocs %}
<div class="section__header">
<h1 class="section__title">{{ _('Most Upvoted Solutions') }}</h1>
<div class="section__body">
{% for psdoc in psdocs_hot %}
<p><a href="{{ reverse_url('problem_solution', pid=psdoc['parent_doc_id']) }}">PS{{ psdoc['doc_id'] }}</a></p>
{% endfor %}
<div class="section__header">
<h1 class="section__title">{{ _('Recent Solutions') }}</h1>
<div class="section__body">
{% for psdoc in psdocs %}
<p><a href="{{ reverse_url('problem_solution', pid=psdoc['parent_doc_id']) }}">PS{{ psdoc['doc_id'] }}</a></p>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}{# if psdocs #}
{% endif %}{# if not pdocs and not psdocs #}
<li class="section__tab-item">
<h1 class="section__tab-title">{{ _('Submissions') }} ({{ dudoc.nSubmit|default(0) }})</h1>
<div class="section__tab-main">
{% if not rdocs %}
{{ nothing.render('Oh, the user hasn\'t submitted yet!') }}
{% else %}
<div class="section__header">
<h1 class="section__title">{{ _('Recent Submissions') }}</h1>
<div class="section__body no-padding">
<table class="data-table record_main__table">
<col class="col--status">
<col class="col--problem">
<col class="col--submit-by">
<col class="col--time">
<col class="col--memory">
<col class="col--lang">
<col class="col--submit-at">
<th class="col--status record-status--border">{{ _('Status') }}</th>
<th class="col--problem">{{ _('Problem') }}</th>
<th class="col--submit-by">{{ _('Submit By') }}</th>
<th class="col--time">{{ _('Time') }}</th>
<th class="col--memory">{{ _('Memory') }}</th>
<th class="col--lang">{{ _('Language') }}</th>
<th class="col--submit-at">{{ _('Submit At') }}</th>
{% for rdoc in rdocs %}
{% with pdoc = pdict[(rdoc['domain_id'], rdoc['pid'])] %}
{% include 'record_main_tr.html' %}
{% endwith %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<div class="medium-3 columns">
{% if is_self_profile %}
{{ home.render_sidebar() }}
{% endif %}
<div class="section side">
<div class="section__body">
<div class="balancer sidebar-user-stat">
<div class="balancer__body">
<div class="numbox">
<div class="numbox__num medium">{{ dudoc.nAccept or 0 }}</div>
<div class="numbox__text">{{ _('Accepted') }}</div>
<div class="balancer__body">
<div class="numbox">
<div class="numbox__num medium">{{ dudoc['num_liked'] or 0 }}</div>
<div class="numbox__text">{{ _('Solutions Liked') }}</div>
<div class="balancer__body">
<div class="numbox">
<div class="numbox__num medium">{{ dudoc['num_problems'] or 0 }}</div>
<div class="numbox__text">{{ _('Upload Problem') }}</div>
{% if handler.can_view(udoc, 'bio') %}
<div class="section side">
<div class="section__header">
<h1 class="section__title">{{ _('Bio') }}{% if is_self_profile %} <small><a href="{{ reverse_url('home_account') }}#setting_info">[{{ _('Edit') }}]</a></small>{% endif %}</h1>
<div class="section__body typo">
{% if udoc['bio'] and udoc['bio']|length > 0 %}
{{ udoc['bio']|markdown }}
{% else %}
{{ _('The user is too lazy to leave something here...') }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}