You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

462 lines
18 KiB

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters!

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

/* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */
/* eslint-disable import/no-dynamic-require */
/* eslint-disable no-sequences */
import { execSync, ExecSyncOptions } from 'child_process';
import { existsSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync } from 'fs';
import net from 'net';
import os from 'os';
import path from 'path';
const exec = (command: string, args?: ExecSyncOptions) => {
try {
return {
output: execSync(command, args).toString(),
code: 0,
} catch (e) {
return {
code: e.status,
message: e.message,
const sleep = (t: number) => new Promise((r) => { setTimeout(r, t); });
const locales = {
zh: {
'install.start': '开始运行 Hydro 安装工具',
'warn.avx2': '检测到您的 CPU 不支持 avx2 指令集,将使用 mongodb@v4.4',
'error.rootRequired': '请先使用 sudo su 切换到 root 用户后再运行该工具。',
'error.unsupportedArch': '不支持的架构 %s ,请尝试手动安装。',
'error.osreleaseNotFound': '无法获取系统版本信息(/etc/os-release 文件未找到),请尝试手动安装。',
'error.unsupportedOS': '不支持的操作系统 %s ,请尝试手动安装,',
'install.preparing': '正在初始化安装...',
'install.mongodb': '正在安装 mongodb...',
'install.createDatabaseUser': '正在创建数据库用户...',
'install.compiler': '正在安装编译器...',
'install.hydro': '正在安装 Hydro...',
'install.done': 'Hydro 安装成功!',
'install.alldone': '安装已全部完成。',
'install.editJudgeConfigAndStart': '请编辑 ~/.hydro/judge.yaml 后使用 pm2 start hydrojudge && pm2 save 启动。',
'extra.dbUser': '数据库用户名: hydro',
'extra.dbPassword': '数据库密码: %s',
'info.skip': '步骤已跳过。',
en: {
'install.start': 'Starting Hydro installation tool',
'warn.avx2': 'Your CPU does not support avx2, will use mongodb@v4.4',
'error.rootRequired': 'Please run this tool as root user.',
'error.unsupportedArch': 'Unsupported architecture %s, please try to install manually.',
'error.osreleaseNotFound': 'Unable to get system version information (/etc/os-release file not found), please try to install manually.',
'error.unsupportedOS': 'Unsupported operating system %s, please try to install manually.',
'install.preparing': 'Initializing installation...',
'install.mongodb': 'Installing mongodb...',
'install.createDatabaseUser': 'Creating database user...',
'install.compiler': 'Installing compiler...',
'install.hydro': 'Installing Hydro...',
'install.done': 'Hydro installation completed!',
'install.editJudgeConfigAndStart': 'Please edit config at ~/.hydro/judge.yaml than start hydrojudge with:\npm2 start hydrojudge && pm2 save.',
'extra.dbUser': 'Database username: hydro',
'extra.dbPassword': 'Database password: %s',
'info.skip': 'Step skipped.',
const installAsJudge = process.argv.includes('--judge');
const noCaddy = process.argv.includes('--no-caddy');
const installTarget = installAsJudge
? '@hydrooj/hydrojudge'
: 'hydrooj @hydrooj/hydrojudge @hydrooj/ui-default @hydrooj/fps-importer';
const addons = ['@hydrooj/ui-default', '@hydrooj/hydrojudge', '@hydrooj/fps-importer'];
let locale = process.env.LANG?.includes('zh') ? 'zh' : 'en';
if (process.env.TERM === 'linux') locale = 'en';
const processLog = (orig) => (str, ...args) => (orig(locales[locale][str] || str, ...args), 0);
const log = {
info: processLog(console.log),
warn: processLog(console.warn),
fatal: (str, ...args) => (processLog(console.error)(str, ...args), process.exit(1)),
if (!process.getuid) log.fatal('error.unsupportedOs');
else if (process.getuid() !== 0) log.fatal('error.rootRequired');
if (!['x64', 'arm64'].includes(process.arch)) log.fatal('error.unsupportedArch', process.arch);
if (!process.env.HOME) log.fatal('$HOME not found');
if (!existsSync('/etc/os-release')) log.fatal('error.osreleaseNotFound');
const osinfoFile = readFileSync('/etc/os-release', 'utf-8');
const lines = osinfoFile.split('\n');
const values = {};
for (const line of lines) {
if (!line.trim()) continue;
const d = line.split('=');
if (d[1].startsWith('"')) values[d[0].toLowerCase()] = d[1].substring(1, d[1].length - 2);
else values[d[0].toLowerCase()] = d[1];
let avx2 = true;
const cpuInfoFile = readFileSync('/proc/cpuinfo', 'utf-8');
if (!cpuInfoFile.includes('avx2') && !installAsJudge) {
avx2 = false;
let migration;
let retry = 0;'install.start');
const defaultDict = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890';
function randomstring(digit = 32, dict = defaultDict) {
let str = '';
for (let i = 1; i <= digit; i++) str += dict[Math.floor(Math.random() * dict.length)];
return str;
let password = randomstring(32);
// eslint-disable-next-line
let CN = true;
const nixProfile = `${process.env.HOME}/.nix-profile/`;
const entry = (source: string, target = source, ro = true) => `\
- type: bind
source: ${source}
target: ${target}${ro ? '\n readonly: true' : ''}`;
const mount = `mount:
${entry(`${nixProfile}bin`, '/bin')}
${entry(`${nixProfile}bin`, '/usr/bin')}
${entry(`${nixProfile}lib`, '/lib')}
${entry(`${nixProfile}share`, '/share')}
${entry(`${nixProfile}etc`, '/etc')}
${entry('/nix', '/nix')}
${entry('/dev/null', '/dev/null', false)}
${entry('/dev/urandom', '/dev/urandom', false)}
- type: tmpfs
target: /w
data: size=512m,nr_inodes=8k
- type: tmpfs
target: /tmp
data: size=512m,nr_inodes=8k
proc: true
workDir: /w
hostName: executor_server
domainName: executor_server
uid: 1536
gid: 1536
const Caddyfile = `\
# 如果你希望使用其他端口或使用域名,修改此处 :80 的值后在 ~/.hydro 目录下使用 caddy reload 重载配置。
# 如果你在当前配置下能够通过 http://你的域名/ 正常访问到网站,若需开启 ssl
# 仅需将 :80 改为你的域名(如 hydro.ac后直接重载配置即可自动签发 ssl 证书。
# 清注意在防火墙/安全组中放行端口,且部分运营商会拦截未经备案的域名。
# For more information, refer to caddy v2 documentation.
:80 {
reverse_proxy {
header_up x-forwarded-for {remote_host}
header_up x-forwarded-host {hostport}
const judgeYaml = `\
host: localhost
type: hydro
uname: judge
password: examplepassword
detail: true
tmpfs_size: 512m
stdio_size: 256m
memoryMax: 1024m
processLimit: 128
testcases_max: 60
total_time_limit: 300
retry_delay_sec: 3
parallelism: 10
rate: 1.00
rerun: 0
secret: examplesecret
env: |
const isPortFree = async (port: number) => {
const server = net.createServer();
const res = await new Promise((resolve) => {
server.once('error', () => resolve(false));
server.once('listening', () => resolve(true));
return res;
function removeOptionalEsbuildDeps() {
const yarnGlobalPath = exec('yarn global dir').output?.trim() || '';
if (!yarnGlobalPath) return false;
const pkgjson = `${yarnGlobalPath}/package.json`;
const data = existsSync(pkgjson) ? require(pkgjson) : {};
data.resolutions = data.resolutions || {};
Object.assign(data.resolutions, Object.fromEntries([
...['android', 'darwin', 'freebsd', 'windows']
.flatMap((i) => [`${i}-64`, `${i}-arm64`])
.map((i) => `esbuild-${i}`),
...['32', 'arm', 'mips64', 'ppc64', 'riscv64', 's390x']
.map((i) => `esbuild-linux-${i}`),
...['netbsd', 'openbsd', 'sunos']
.map((i) => `esbuild-${i}-64`),
].map((i) => [i, 'link:/dev/null'])));
exec(`mkdir -p ${yarnGlobalPath}`);
writeFileSync(pkgjson, JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));
return true;
function rollbackResolveField() {
const yarnGlobalPath = exec('yarn global dir').output?.trim() || '';
if (!yarnGlobalPath) return false;
const pkgjson = `${yarnGlobalPath}/package.json`;
const data = JSON.parse(readFileSync(pkgjson, 'utf-8'));
delete data.resolutions;
writeFileSync(pkgjson, JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));
return true;
const tmpFile = path.join(os.tmpdir(), `${Math.random().toString()}.js`);
const Steps = () => [
init: 'install.preparing',
operations: [
() => {
if (CN) return;
// rollback mirrors
writeFileSync('/etc/nix/nix.conf', `substituters =
trusted-public-keys =
connect-timeout = 10`);
exec('nix-channel --del nixpkgs', { stdio: 'inherit' });
exec('nix-channel --add nixpkgs', { stdio: 'inherit' });
exec('nix-channel --update', { stdio: 'inherit' });
'nix-env -iA nixpkgs.pm2 nixpkgs.yarn nixpkgs.esbuild nixpkgs.bash nixpkgs.unzip nixpkgs.diffutils',
() => {
// Not implemented yet
// if (fs.existsSync('/home/judge/src')) {
// const res = cli.prompt('migrate.hustojFound');
// if (res.toLowerCase().trim() === 'y') migration = 'hustoj';
// }
// const docker = !exec1('docker -v').code;
// if (!docker) return;
// // TODO check more places
// if (fs.exist('/root/OnlineJudgeDeploy/docker-compose.yml')) {
// const res = cli.prompt('migrate.qduojFound');
// if (res.toLowerCase().trim() === 'y') migration = 'qduoj';
// }
init: 'install.mongodb',
skip: () => installAsJudge,
hidden: installAsJudge,
operations: [
`nix-env -iA hydro.mongodb${avx2 ? 5 : 4}${CN ? '-cn' : ''} hydro.mongosh${avx2 ? 5 : 4}${CN ? '-cn' : ''} nixpkgs.mongodb-tools`,
init: 'install.compiler',
operations: [
'nix-env -iA nixpkgs.gcc nixpkgs.fpc nixpkgs.python3',
init: 'install.sandbox',
skip: () => !exec('hydro-sandbox --help').code,
operations: [
'nix-env -iA hydro.sandbox',
init: 'install.caddy',
skip: () => !exec('caddy version').code || installAsJudge || noCaddy,
hidden: installAsJudge,
operations: [
'nix-env -iA nixpkgs.caddy',
() => writeFileSync(`${process.env.HOME}/.hydro/Caddyfile`, Caddyfile),
init: 'install.hydro',
operations: [
() => removeOptionalEsbuildDeps(),
(CN ? () => {
let res: any = null;
try {
exec('yarn config set registry', { stdio: 'inherit' });
res = exec(`yarn global add ${installTarget}`, { stdio: 'inherit' });
} catch (e) {
console.log('Failed to install from npmmirror, fallback to yarnpkg');
} finally {
exec('yarn config set registry', { stdio: 'inherit' });
try {
exec(`yarn global add ${installTarget}`, { timeout: 60000 });
} catch (e) {
console.warn('Failed to check update from yarnpkg');
if (res?.code !== 0) return 'retry';
return null;
} : [`yarn global add ${installTarget}`, { retry: true }]),
() => {
if (installAsJudge) writeFileSync(`${process.env.HOME}/.hydro/judge.yaml`, judgeYaml);
else writeFileSync(`${process.env.HOME}/.hydro/addon.json`, JSON.stringify(addons));
() => rollbackResolveField(),
init: 'install.createDatabaseUser',
skip: () => existsSync(`${process.env.HOME}/.hydro/config.json`) || installAsJudge,
hidden: installAsJudge,
operations: [
'pm2 start mongod',
() => sleep(3000),
() => writeFileSync(tmpFile, `db.createUser(${JSON.stringify({
user: 'hydro',
pwd: password,
roles: [{ role: 'readWrite', db: 'hydro' }],
[`mongo ${tmpFile}`, { retry: true }],
() => writeFileSync(`${process.env.HOME}/.hydro/config.json`, JSON.stringify({
host: '',
port: 27017,
name: 'hydro',
username: 'hydro',
'pm2 stop mongod',
'pm2 del mongod',
init: 'install.starting',
operations: [
['pm2 stop all', { ignore: true }],
() => writeFileSync(`${process.env.HOME}/.hydro/mount.yaml`, mount),
`pm2 start bash --name hydro-sandbox -- -c "ulimit -s unlimited && hydro-sandbox -mount-conf ${process.env.HOME}/.hydro/mount.yaml"`,
...installAsJudge ? [] : [
'pm2 start mongod --name mongodb -- --auth --bind_ip',
() => sleep(1000),
'pm2 start hydrooj',
async () => {
if (noCaddy) return;
if (!await isPortFree(80)) log.warn('port.80');
exec('pm2 start caddy -- run', { cwd: `${process.env.HOME}/.hydro` });
exec('hydrooj cli system set server.xff x-forwarded-for');
exec('hydrooj cli system set server.xhost x-forwarded-host');
'pm2 startup',
'pm2 save',
init: 'install.migrateHustoj',
skip: () => migration !== 'hustoj',
silent: true,
operations: [
['yarn global add @hydrooj/migrate', { retry: true }],
'hydrooj addon add @hydrooj/migrate',
() => {
const config = {
host: 'localhost',
port: 3306,
name: 'jol',
dataDir: '/home/judge/data',
// TODO: auto-read uname&passwd&contestType
username: 'debian-sys-maint',
password: '',
contestType: 'acm',
exec(`hydrooj cli script migrateHustoj ${JSON.stringify(config)}`);
'pm2 restart hydrooj',
init: 'install.done',
skip: () => installAsJudge,
operations: [
() => {
password = require(`${process.env.HOME}/.hydro/config.json`).password;
() =>'extra.dbUser'),
() =>'extra.dbPassword', password),
init: 'install.postinstall',
operations: [
...installAsJudge ? [] : [
'hydrooj install',
'pm2 restart hydrooj',
['pm2 install pm2-logrotate', { retry: true }],
'pm2 set pm2-logrotate:max_size 64M',
init: 'install.alldone',
operations: [
() =>'install.alldone'),
() => installAsJudge &&'install.editJudgeConfigAndStart'),
async function main() {
try {
console.log('Getting IP info to find best mirror:');
const res = await fetch('', { headers: { accept: 'application/json' } }).then((r) => r.json());
delete res.readme;
if ( !== 'CN') CN = false;
} catch (e) {
console.log('Cannot find the best mirror. Fallback to default.');
const steps = Steps();
for (let i = 0; i < steps.length; i++) {
const step = steps[i];
if (!step.silent);
if (!(step.skip?.())) {
for (let op of step.operations) {
if (!(op instanceof Array)) op = [op, {}] as any;
if (op[0].toString().startsWith('nix-env')) op[1].retry = true;
if (typeof op[0] === 'string') {
retry = 0;
let res = exec(op[0], { stdio: 'inherit' });
while (res.code && op[1].ignore !== true) {
if (op[1].retry && retry < 30) {
log.warn('Retry... (%s)', op[0]);
res = exec(op[0], { stdio: 'inherit' });
} else log.fatal('Error when running %s', op[0]);
} else {
retry = 0;
let res = await op[0](op[1]);
while (res === 'retry') {
if (retry < 30) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
res = await op[0](op[1]);
} else log.fatal('Error installing');
} else if (!step.silent)'info.skip');
global.main = main;