You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

234 lines
8.8 KiB

import {
ObjectID, Collection, UpdateQuery,
PushOperator, MatchKeysAndValues, OnlyFieldsOfType,
} from 'mongodb';
import { sum } from 'lodash';
import moment from 'moment';
import { STATUS } from './builtin';
import task from './task';
import problem from './problem';
import {
RecordDoc, ContestInfo, ProblemConfigFile, ExternalProblemId,
} from '../interface';
import { ArgMethod, buildProjection, Time } from '../utils';
import { MaybeArray } from '../typeutils';
import * as bus from '../service/bus';
import db from '../service/db';
class RecordModel {
static coll: Collection<RecordDoc> = db.collection('record');
static PROJECTION_LIST: (keyof RecordDoc)[] = [
'_id', 'score', 'time', 'memory', 'lang',
'uid', 'pid', 'rejudged', 'hidden', 'progress',
'contest', 'effective', 'judger', 'judgeAt', 'status',
static async submissionPriority(uid: number, base: number = 0) {
const pending = await task.count({ uid });
const timeRecent = await RecordModel.coll
.find({ _id: { $gte: Time.getObjectID(moment().add(-1, 'hour')) }, uid }).project({ time: 1 }).toArray();
return base - ((pending + 0.5) * (sum( => i.time || 0)) / 10000));
static async get(_id: ObjectID): Promise<RecordDoc | null>
static async get(domainId: string, _id: ObjectID): Promise<RecordDoc | null>
static async get(arg0, arg1?) {
const _id = arg1 || arg0;
const domainId = arg1 ? arg0 : null;
const res = await RecordModel.coll.findOne({ _id });
if (!res) return null;
if (res.domainId === (domainId || res.domainId)) return res;
return null;
static async stat(domainId?: string) {
const [d5min, d1h, day, week, month, year, total] = await Promise.all([
RecordModel.coll.find({ _id: { $gte: Time.getObjectID(moment().add(-5, 'minutes')) }, ...domainId ? { domainId } : {} }).count(),
RecordModel.coll.find({ _id: { $gte: Time.getObjectID(moment().add(-1, 'hour')) }, ...domainId ? { domainId } : {} }).count(),
RecordModel.coll.find({ _id: { $gte: Time.getObjectID(moment().add(-1, 'day')) }, ...domainId ? { domainId } : {} }).count(),
RecordModel.coll.find({ _id: { $gte: Time.getObjectID(moment().add(-1, 'week')) }, ...domainId ? { domainId } : {} }).count(),
RecordModel.coll.find({ _id: { $gte: Time.getObjectID(moment().add(-1, 'month')) }, ...domainId ? { domainId } : {} }).count(),
RecordModel.coll.find({ _id: { $gte: Time.getObjectID(moment().add(-1, 'year')) }, ...domainId ? { domainId } : {} }).count(),
RecordModel.coll.find(domainId ? { domainId } : {}).count(),
return {
d5min, d1h, day, week, month, year, total,
static async judge(domainId: string, rid: ObjectID, priority = 0, config: ProblemConfigFile = {}) {
const rdoc = await RecordModel.get(domainId, rid);
let data = [];
delete rdoc._id;
if ( {
const pdoc = await problem.get(rdoc.pdomain,;
data =;
if (typeof pdoc.config === 'string') throw new Error(); // Just for typings. This won't happen.
if (pdoc.config.type === 'remote_judge') {
return await task.add({
type: 'remotejudge',
subType: pdoc.config.subType,
return await task.add({
type: 'judge',
static async add(
domainId: string, pid: ExternalProblemId | number, uid: number,
lang: string, code: string, addTask: boolean, contestOrConfig?: ContestInfo | string,
) {
let pdomain = domainId;
if (typeof pid === 'string') {
pdomain = pid.split(':')[0];
pid = +pid.split(':')[1];
const data: RecordDoc = {
_id: new ObjectID(),
score: 0,
time: 0,
memory: 0,
hidden: false,
judgeTexts: [],
compilerTexts: [],
testCases: [],
judger: null,
judgeAt: null,
rejudged: false,
let isContest = false;
if (typeof contestOrConfig === 'string') {
// is Run
data.input = contestOrConfig;
data.hidden = true;
} else {
data.contest = contestOrConfig;
isContest = true;
const res = await RecordModel.coll.insertOne(data);
if (addTask) {
const priority = await RecordModel.submissionPriority(uid, isContest ? 50 : 0);
await RecordModel.judge(domainId, res.insertedId, priority);
return res.insertedId;
static getMulti(domainId: string, query: any) {
return RecordModel.coll.find({ ...query, domainId });
static async update(
domainId: string, _id: MaybeArray<ObjectID>,
$set?: MatchKeysAndValues<RecordDoc>,
$push?: PushOperator<RecordDoc>,
$unset?: OnlyFieldsOfType<RecordDoc, any, true | '' | 1>,
): Promise<RecordDoc | null> {
const $update: UpdateQuery<RecordDoc> = {};
if ($set && Object.keys($set).length) $update.$set = $set;
if ($push && Object.keys($push).length) $update.$push = $push;
if ($unset && Object.keys($unset).length) $update.$unset = $unset;
if (_id instanceof Array) {
await RecordModel.coll.updateMany({ _id: { $in: _id }, domainId }, $update);
return null;
if (Object.keys($update).length) {
const res = await RecordModel.coll.findOneAndUpdate(
{ _id, domainId },
{ returnDocument: 'after' },
return res.value;
return await RecordModel.get(domainId, _id);
static async updateMulti(
domainId: string, $match: FilterQuery<RecordDoc>,
$set?: MatchKeysAndValues<RecordDoc>,
$push?: PushOperator<RecordDoc>,
$unset?: OnlyFieldsOfType<RecordDoc, any, true | '' | 1>,
) {
const $update: UpdateQuery<RecordDoc> = {};
if ($set && Object.keys($set).length) $update.$set = $set;
if ($push && Object.keys($push).length) $update.$push = $push;
if ($unset && Object.keys($unset).length) $update.$unset = $unset;
const res = await RecordModel.coll.updateMany({ domainId, ...$match }, $update);
return res.modifiedCount;
static reset(domainId: string, rid: MaybeArray<ObjectID>, isRejudge: boolean) {
const upd: any = {
score: 0,
time: 0,
memory: 0,
testCases: [],
judgeTexts: [],
compilerTexts: [],
judgeAt: null,
judger: null,
if (isRejudge) upd.rejudged = true;
return RecordModel.update(domainId, rid, upd);
static count(domainId: string, query: any) {
return RecordModel.coll.find({ domainId, ...query }).count();
static async getList(
domainId: string, rids: ObjectID[], showHidden: boolean, fields?: (keyof RecordDoc)[],
): Promise<Record<string, Partial<RecordDoc>>> {
const r = {};
rids = Array.from(new Set(rids));
let cursor = RecordModel.coll.find({ domainId, _id: { $in: rids } });
if (fields) cursor = cursor.project(buildProjection(fields));
const rdocs = await cursor.toArray();
for (const rdoc of rdocs) {
if (rdoc.hidden && !showHidden) r[rdoc._id.toHexString()] = null;
else r[rdoc._id.toHexString()] = rdoc;
return r;
static getByUid(domainId: string, uid: number, limit: number): Promise<RecordDoc[]> {
return RecordModel.coll.find({ domainId, uid, hidden: false }).sort({ _id: -1 }).limit(limit).toArray();
// Mark problem as deleted
bus.on('problem/delete', (domainId, docId) => RecordModel.coll.updateMany({ pdomain: domainId, pid: docId }, { $set: { pid: -1 } }));
bus.on('domain/delete', (domainId) => Promise.all([
RecordModel.coll.deleteMany({ domainId }),
RecordModel.coll.updateMany({ pdomain: domainId }, { $set: { docId: -1 } }),
export default RecordModel;
global.Hydro.model.record = RecordModel;