You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

614 lines
27 KiB

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import { isSafeInteger, flatten } from 'lodash';
import { FilterQuery, ObjectID } from 'mongodb';
import AdmZip from 'adm-zip';
import { sortFiles } from '@hydrooj/utils/lib/utils';
import {
NoProblemError, PermissionError, ValidationError,
SolutionNotFoundError, ProblemNotFoundError, BadRequestError,
} from '../error';
import {
ProblemDoc, User, ProblemStatusDoc,
} from '../interface';
import paginate from '../lib/paginate';
import { isPid, parsePid as convertPid } from '../lib/validator';
import difficultyAlgorithm from '../lib/difficulty';
import * as system from '../model/system';
import problem from '../model/problem';
import record from '../model/record';
import domain from '../model/domain';
import user from '../model/user';
import * as document from '../model/document';
import * as contest from '../model/contest';
import solution from '../model/solution';
import { PERM, PRIV } from '../model/builtin';
import storage from '../service/storage';
import * as bus from '../service/bus';
import {
Route, Handler, Types, param, post, route, query,
} from '../service/server';
export const parseCategory = (value: string) => flatten(value.replace(//g, ',').split(',')).map((e) => e.trim());
export const parsePid = (value: string) => (isSafeInteger(value) ? +value : value);
export class ProblemHandler extends Handler {
async cleanup() {
if (this.response.template === 'problem_main.html' && this.request.json) {
const {
page, pcount, ppcount, pdocs, psdict, category,
} = this.response.body;
this.response.body = {
title: this.renderTitle(this.translate('problem_main')),
fragments: (await Promise.all([
this.renderHTML('partials/problem_list.html', {
page, ppcount, pcount, pdocs, psdict,
this.renderHTML('partials/problem_stat.html', { pcount }),
this.renderHTML('partials/problem_lucky.html', { category }),
])).map((i) => ({ html: i })),
raw: {
page, pcount, ppcount, pdocs, psdict, category,
export class ProblemMainHandler extends ProblemHandler {
@param('page', Types.PositiveInt, true)
@param('q', Types.Content, true)
@param('category', Types.Name, true, null, parseCategory)
async get(domainId: string, page = 1, q = '', category = []) {
this.response.template = 'problem_main.html';
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-shadow
const query: FilterQuery<ProblemDoc> = {};
let psdict = {};
const search = global.Hydro.lib.problemSearch;
let sort: number[];
if (category.length) {
query.$and = [];
for (const tag of category) query.$and.push({ tag });
if (q) category.push(q);
if (category.length) this.extraTitleContent = category.join(',');
if (q) {
if (search) {
const result = await search(domainId, q);
query.docId = { $in: result };
sort = result;
} else query.$text = { $search: q };
if (!this.user.hasPerm(PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM_HIDDEN)) {
query.$or = [{ hidden: false }, { owner: this.user._id }, { maintainer: this.user._id }];
await bus.serial('problem/list', query, this);
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
let [pdocs, ppcount, pcount] = await paginate(
problem.getMulti(domainId, query).sort({ pid: 1, docId: 1 }),
if (sort) pdocs = pdocs.sort((a, b) => sort.indexOf(a.docId) - sort.indexOf(b.docId));
if (q) {
const pdoc = await problem.get(domainId, +q || q, problem.PROJECTION_LIST);
if (pdoc) {
const count = pdocs.length;
pdocs = pdocs.filter((doc) => doc.docId !== pdoc.docId);
pcount = pcount - count + pdocs.length;
if (this.user.hasPriv(PRIV.PRIV_USER_PROFILE)) {
psdict = await problem.getListStatus(
domainId, this.user._id, => pdoc.docId),
this.response.body = {
page, pcount, ppcount, pdocs, psdict, category: category.join(','),
@param('pid', Types.UnsignedInt)
async postStar(domainId: string, pid: number) {
await problem.setStar(domainId, pid, this.user._id, true);
this.back({ star: true });
@param('pid', Types.UnsignedInt)
async postUnstar(domainId: string, pid: number) {
await problem.setStar(domainId, pid, this.user._id, false);
this.back({ star: false });
@param('pids', Types.NumericArray)
async postDelete(domainId: string, pids: number[]) {
for (const pid of pids) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
const pdoc = await problem.get(domainId, pid);
if (!this.user.own(pdoc, PERM.PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM_SELF)) this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
await problem.del(domainId, pid);
@param('pids', Types.NumericArray)
async postHide(domainId: string, pids: number[]) {
for (const pid of pids) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
const pdoc = await problem.get(domainId, pid);
if (!this.user.own(pdoc, PERM.PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM_SELF)) this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
await problem.edit(domainId, pid, { hidden: true });
@param('pids', Types.NumericArray)
async postUnhide(domainId: string, pids: number[]) {
for (const pid of pids) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
const pdoc = await problem.get(domainId, pid);
if (!this.user.own(pdoc, PERM.PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM_SELF)) this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
await problem.edit(domainId, pid, { hidden: false });
export class ProblemRandomHandler extends ProblemHandler {
@param('category', Types.Name, true, null, parseCategory)
async get(domainId: string, category: string[] = []) {
const q: FilterQuery<ProblemDoc> = category.length ? { $and: [] } : {};
for (const tag of category) q.$and.push({ tag });
if (!this.user.hasPerm(PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM_HIDDEN)) q.hidden = false;
await bus.serial('problem/list', q, this);
const pid = await problem.random(domainId, q);
if (!pid) throw new NoProblemError();
this.response.body = { pid };
this.response.redirect = this.url('problem_detail', { pid });
export class ProblemDetailHandler extends ProblemHandler {
pdoc: ProblemDoc;
udoc: User;
psdoc: ProblemStatusDoc;
@route('pid', Types.Name, true, null, parsePid)
async _prepare(domainId: string, pid: number | string) {
this.response.template = 'problem_detail.html';
this.pdoc = await problem.get(domainId, pid);
if (!this.pdoc) throw new ProblemNotFoundError(domainId, pid);
if (this.pdoc.hidden && !this.user.own(this.pdoc)) {
await bus.serial('problem/get', this.pdoc, this);
[this.psdoc, this.udoc] = await Promise.all([
problem.getStatus(domainId, this.pdoc.docId, this.user._id),
user.getById(domainId, this.pdoc.owner),
this.response.body = {
pdoc: this.pdoc,
udoc: this.udoc,
title: this.pdoc.title,
this.extraTitleContent = this.pdoc.title;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
async get(..._args: any[]) {
// Navigate to current additional file download
// e.g. ![img](a.jpg) will navigate to ![img](./pid/file/a.jpg)
if (!this.request.json) {
this.response.body.pdoc.content = this.response.body.pdoc.content
.replace(/\(file:\/\//g, `(./${this.pdoc.docId}/file/`)
.replace(/="file:\/\//g, `="./${this.pdoc.docId}/file/`);
if (this.psdoc) {
this.response.body.rdoc = await record.get(this.domainId, this.psdoc.rid);
this.response.body.ctdocs = await contest.getRelated(this.domainId, this.pdoc.docId);
@param('pid', Types.UnsignedInt)
async postRejudge(domainId: string, pid: number) {
// TODO maybe async?
await record.getMulti(domainId, { pid }).forEach(async (doc) => {
await record.reset(domainId, doc._id, true);
await record.judge(domainId, doc._id, -50);
async postDelete() {
if (!this.user.own(this.pdoc, PERM.PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM_SELF)) this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM);
const [ctdocs, htdocs] = await Promise.all([
contest.getRelated(this.domainId, this.pdoc.docId, document.TYPE_CONTEST),
contest.getRelated(this.domainId, this.pdoc.docId, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK),
if (ctdocs.length) throw new BadRequestError('Problem already used by contest {0}', ctdocs[0]._id);
if (htdocs.length) throw new BadRequestError('Problem already used by homwrork {0}', htdocs[0]._id);
await problem.del(this.pdoc.domainId, this.pdoc.docId);
this.response.redirect = this.url('problem_main');
export class ProblemSubmitHandler extends ProblemDetailHandler {
async get() {
this.response.template = 'problem_submit.html';
this.response.body = {
pdoc: this.pdoc,
udoc: this.udoc,
title: this.pdoc.title,
@param('lang', Types.Name)
@param('code', Types.Content)
@param('pretest', Types.Boolean)
@param('input', Types.String, true)
async post(domainId: string, lang: string, code: string, pretest = false, input = '') {
if (this.response.body.pdoc.config?.langs && !this.response.body.pdoc.config.langs.includes(lang)) {
throw new BadRequestError('Language not allowed.');
if (this.domain.langs && !this.domain.langs.includes(lang)) {
throw new BadRequestError('Language not allowed');
await this.limitRate('add_record', 60, system.get('limit.submission'));
const rid = await record.add(domainId, this.pdoc.docId, this.user._id, lang, code, true, pretest ? input : undefined);
const rdoc = await record.get(domainId, rid);
if (!pretest) {
await Promise.all([
this.psdoc?.rid ? Promise.resolve() :, this.pdoc.docId, 'nSubmit', 1),
problem.incStatus(domainId, this.pdoc.docId, this.user._id, 'nSubmit', 1),
domain.incUserInDomain(domainId, this.user._id, 'nSubmit'),
bus.broadcast('record/change', rdoc);
this.response.body = { rid };
this.response.redirect = this.url('record_detail', { rid });
export class ProblemPretestHandler extends ProblemDetailHandler {
@param('lang', Types.Name)
@param('code', Types.Content)
@param('input', Types.Content, true)
async post(domainId: string, lang: string, code: string, input = '') {
await this.limitRate('do_pretest', 60, system.get('limit.pretest'));
const rid = await record.add(
domainId, this.pdoc.docId, this.user._id,
lang, code, true, input,
const rdoc = await record.get(domainId, rid);
bus.broadcast('record/change', rdoc);
this.response.body = { rid };
export class ProblemManageHandler extends ProblemDetailHandler {
async prepare() {
if (!this.user.own(this.pdoc, PERM.PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM_SELF)) this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM);
export class ProblemEditHandler extends ProblemManageHandler {
async get() {
this.response.template = 'problem_edit.html';
@route('pid', Types.Name, null, parsePid)
@post('title', Types.Title)
@post('content', Types.Content)
@post('pid', Types.Name, isPid, convertPid, true)
@post('hidden', Types.Boolean)
@post('tag', Types.Content, true, null, parseCategory)
async post(
domainId: string, pid: string | number, title: string, content: string,
newPid: string = '', hidden = false, tag: string[] = [],
) {
if (newPid !== && await problem.get(domainId, newPid)) throw new BadRequestError('new pid exists');
const $update: Partial<ProblemDoc> = {
title, content, pid: newPid, hidden, tag: tag ?? [],
let pdoc = await problem.get(domainId, pid);
$update.difficulty = difficultyAlgorithm(pdoc.nSubmit, pdoc.nAccept);
pdoc = await problem.edit(domainId, pdoc.docId, $update);
this.response.redirect = this.url('problem_detail', { pid: newPid || pdoc.docId });
export class ProblemFilesHandler extends ProblemDetailHandler {
notUsage = true;
@param('testdata', Types.Boolean)
@param('additional_file', Types.Boolean)
@param('pjax', Types.Boolean)
async get(domainId: string, getTestdata = true, getAdditionalFile = true, pjax = false) {
this.response.body.testdata = getTestdata ? sortFiles( || []) : [];
this.response.body.additional_file = getAdditionalFile ? sortFiles(this.pdoc.additional_file || []) : [];
if (pjax) {
const { testdata, additional_file } = this.response.body;
const owner_udoc = await user.getById(domainId, this.pdoc.owner);
this.response.body = {
fragments: (await Promise.all([
this.renderHTML('partials/problem_files-testdata.html', { testdata, pdoc: this.pdoc }),
this.renderHTML('partials/problem_files-additional_file.html', { additional_file, pdoc: this.pdoc }),
this.renderHTML('partials/problem-sidebar-information.html', { pdoc: this.pdoc, owner_udoc }),
])).map((i) => ({ html: i })),
this.response.template = '';
} else this.response.template = 'problem_files.html';
@post('files', Types.Set)
@post('type', Types.Range(['testdata', 'additional_file']), true)
async postGetLinks(domainId: string, files: Set<string>, type = 'testdata') {
if (type === 'testdata' && !this.user.own(this.pdoc)) {
if (!this.user.hasPriv(PRIV.PRIV_READ_PROBLEM_DATA)) this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_READ_PROBLEM_DATA);
const links = {};
for (const file of files) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
links[file] = await storage.signDownloadLink(
file, false, 'user',
this.response.body.links = links;
@post('filename', Types.Name, true)
@post('type', Types.Range(['testdata', 'additional_file']), true)
async postUploadFile(domainId: string, filename: string, type = 'testdata') {
if (( || 0) + (this.pdoc.additional_file?.length || 0) >= system.get('limit.problem_files_max')) {
throw new ForbiddenError('File limit exceeded.');
if (!this.request.files.file) throw new ValidationError('file');
const size = Math.sum(( || []).map((i) => i.size), (this.pdoc.additional_file || []).map((i) => i.size));
if (size >= system.get('limit.problem_files_max_size')) {
throw new ForbiddenError('File size limit exceeded.');
if (!filename) filename = || String.random(16);
if (filename.includes('/') || filename.includes('..')) throw new ValidationError('filename', 'Bad filename');
if (!this.user.own(this.pdoc, PERM.PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM_SELF)) this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM);
if (filename.endsWith('.zip')) {
const zip = new AdmZip(this.request.files.file.path);
const entries = zip.getEntries();
for (const entry of entries) {
if (! continue;
if (type === 'testdata') {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
await problem.addTestdata(domainId, this.pdoc.docId,, entry.getData());
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
await problem.addAdditionalFile(domainId, this.pdoc.docId,, entry.getData());
} else if (type === 'testdata') {
await problem.addTestdata(domainId, this.pdoc.docId, filename, this.request.files.file.path);
} else {
await problem.addAdditionalFile(domainId, this.pdoc.docId, filename, this.request.files.file.path);
@post('files', Types.Array)
@post('type', Types.Range(['testdata', 'additional_file']), true)
async postDeleteFiles(domainId: string, files: string[], type = 'testdata') {
if (!this.user.own(this.pdoc, PERM.PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM_SELF)) this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM);
if (type === 'testdata') await problem.delTestdata(domainId, this.pdoc.docId, files);
else await problem.delAdditionalFile(domainId, this.pdoc.docId, files);
export class ProblemFileDownloadHandler extends ProblemDetailHandler {
@query('type', Types.Range(['additional_file', 'testdata']), true)
@param('filename', Types.Name)
@param('noDisposition', Types.Boolean)
async get(domainId: string, type = 'additional_file', filename: string, noDisposition = false) {
if (type === 'testdata' && !this.user.own(this.pdoc)) {
if (!this.user.hasPriv(PRIV.PRIV_READ_PROBLEM_DATA)) this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_READ_PROBLEM_DATA);
this.response.redirect = await storage.signDownloadLink(
noDisposition ? undefined : filename, false, 'user',
export class ProblemSolutionHandler extends ProblemDetailHandler {
@param('page', Types.PositiveInt, true)
async get(domainId: string, page = 1) {
this.response.template = 'problem_solution.html';
const [psdocs, pcount, pscount] = await paginate(
solution.getMulti(domainId, this.pdoc.docId),
const uids = [this.pdoc.owner];
const docids = [];
for (const psdoc of psdocs) {
if (psdoc.reply.length) {
for (const psrdoc of psdoc.reply) uids.push(psrdoc.owner);
const udict = await user.getList(domainId, uids);
const pssdict = await solution.getListStatus(domainId, docids, this.user._id);
this.response.body = {
psdocs, page, pcount, pscount, udict, pssdict, pdoc: this.pdoc,
await bus.serial('handler/solution/get', this);
@param('content', Types.Content)
async postSubmit(domainId: string, content: string) {
await solution.add(domainId, this.pdoc.docId, this.user._id, content);
@param('content', Types.Content)
@param('psid', Types.ObjectID)
async postEditSolution(domainId: string, content: string, psid: ObjectID) {
let psdoc = await solution.get(domainId, psid);
if (!this.user.own(psdoc)) this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM_SOLUTION);
psdoc = await solution.edit(domainId, psdoc.docId, content);
this.back({ psdoc });
@param('psid', Types.ObjectID)
async postDeleteSolution(domainId: string, psid: ObjectID) {
const psdoc = await solution.get(domainId, psid);
if (!this.user.own(psdoc)) this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_DELETE_PROBLEM_SOLUTION);
await solution.del(domainId, psdoc.docId);
@param('psid', Types.ObjectID)
@param('content', Types.Content)
async postReply(domainId: string, psid: ObjectID, content: string) {
const psdoc = await solution.get(domainId, psid);
await solution.reply(domainId, psdoc.docId, this.user._id, content);
@param('psid', Types.ObjectID)
@param('psrid', Types.ObjectID)
@param('content', Types.Content)
async postEditReply(domainId: string, psid: ObjectID, psrid: ObjectID, content: string) {
const [psdoc, psrdoc] = await solution.getReply(domainId, psid, psrid);
if ((!psdoc) || psdoc.parentId !== this.pdoc.docId) throw new SolutionNotFoundError(domainId, psid);
if (!(!this.user.own(psrdoc)
await solution.editReply(domainId, psid, psrid, content);
@param('psid', Types.ObjectID)
@param('psrid', Types.ObjectID)
async postDeleteReply(domainId: string, psid: ObjectID, psrid: ObjectID) {
const [psdoc, psrdoc] = await solution.getReply(domainId, psid, psrid);
if ((!psdoc) || psdoc.parentId !== this.pdoc.docId) throw new SolutionNotFoundError(psid);
if (!(!this.user.own(psrdoc)
await solution.delReply(domainId, psid, psrid);
@param('psid', Types.ObjectID)
async postUpvote(domainId: string, psid: ObjectID) {
const [psdoc, pssdoc] = await, psid, this.user._id, 1);
this.back({ vote:, user_vote: });
@param('psid', Types.ObjectID)
async postDownvote(domainId: string, psid: ObjectID) {
const [psdoc, pssdoc] = await, psid, this.user._id, -1);
this.back({ vote:, user_vote: });
export class ProblemSolutionRawHandler extends ProblemDetailHandler {
@param('psid', Types.ObjectID)
@route('psrid', Types.ObjectID, true)
async get(domainId: string, psid: ObjectID, psrid?: ObjectID) {
if (psrid) {
const [psdoc, psrdoc] = await solution.getReply(domainId, psid, psrid);
if ((!psdoc) || psdoc.parentId !== this.pdoc.docId) throw new SolutionNotFoundError(psid, psrid);
this.response.body = psrdoc.content;
} else {
const psdoc = await solution.get(domainId, psid);
this.response.body = psdoc.content;
this.response.type = 'text/markdown';
export class ProblemCreateHandler extends Handler {
async get() {
this.response.template = 'problem_edit.html';
this.response.body = {
page_name: 'problem_create',
@post('title', Types.Title)
@post('content', Types.Content)
@post('pid', Types.Name, true, isPid, convertPid)
@post('hidden', Types.Boolean)
@post('tag', Types.Content, true, null, parseCategory)
async post(domainId: string, title: string, content: string, pid: string, hidden = false, tag: string[] = []) {
if (pid && await problem.get(domainId, pid)) throw new BadRequestError('invalid pid');
const docId = await problem.add(domainId, pid, title, content, this.user._id, tag ?? [], hidden);
this.response.body = { pid: pid || docId };
this.response.redirect = this.url('problem_files', { pid: pid || docId });
export class ProblemPrefixListHandler extends Handler {
@param('prefix', Types.Name)
async get(domainId: string, prefix: string) {
let cors = false;
if (prefix.includes(':')) {
const [pdomain, s] = prefix.split(':');
const ddoc = await domain.get(pdomain);
this.response.body = [];
if (!ddoc || ddoc._id === domainId || !ddoc.share || !s.trim()) return;
ddoc.share = ddoc.share.replace(//g, ',').split(',').map((q) => q.trim()).join(',');
if (ddoc.share !== '*' && !`,${ddoc.share},`.includes(`,${domainId},`)) return;
domainId = pdomain;
prefix = s;
cors = true;
const pdocs = await problem.getPrefixList(domainId, prefix);
if (!Number.isNaN(+prefix)) {
const pdoc = await problem.get(domainId, +prefix, ['domainId', 'docId', 'pid', 'title']);
if (pdoc) pdocs.unshift(pdoc);
const search = global.Hydro.lib.problemSearch;
if (pdocs.length < 20) {
if (search) {
const result = await search(domainId, prefix, 20 - pdocs.length);
const docs = await problem.getMulti(domainId, { docId: { $in: result } }).toArray();
this.response.body = pdocs;
if (cors) this.response.body.forEach((v) => { v.docId = `${domainId}:${v.docId}`; });
export async function apply() {
Route('problem_main', '/p', ProblemMainHandler, PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM);
Route('problem_category', '/p/category/:category', ProblemMainHandler, PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM);
Route('problem_random', '/problem/random', ProblemRandomHandler, PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM);
Route('problem_detail', '/p/:pid', ProblemDetailHandler, PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM);
Route('problem_submit', '/p/:pid/submit', ProblemSubmitHandler, PERM.PERM_SUBMIT_PROBLEM);
Route('problem_edit', '/p/:pid/edit', ProblemEditHandler);
Route('problem_files', '/p/:pid/files', ProblemFilesHandler, PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM);
Route('problem_file_download', '/p/:pid/file/:filename', ProblemFileDownloadHandler, PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM);
Route('problem_solution', '/p/:pid/solution', ProblemSolutionHandler, PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM);
Route('problem_solution_raw', '/p/:pid/solution/:psid/raw', ProblemSolutionRawHandler, PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM);
Route('problem_solution_reply_raw', '/p/:pid/solution/:psid/:psrid/raw', ProblemSolutionRawHandler, PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM);
Route('problem_create', '/problem/create', ProblemCreateHandler, PERM.PERM_CREATE_PROBLEM);
Route('problem_prefix_list', '/problem/list', ProblemPrefixListHandler, PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM);
global.Hydro.handler.problem = apply;