You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

608 lines
20 KiB

import { ObjectID } from 'mongodb';
import * as user from './user';
import * as problem from './problem';
import {
ValidationError, ContestNotFoundError, ContestAlreadyAttendedError,
ContestNotAttendedError, ContestScoreboardHiddenError,
} from '../error';
import * as document from './document';
import { PERM } from './builtin';
import * as validator from '../lib/validator';
import * as misc from '../lib/misc';
import ranked from '../lib/rank';
interface Column {
type: string,
value: string,
raw?: any
export interface Tdoc {
_id: ObjectID,
domainId: string,
docId: ObjectID,
docType: number,
beginAt: Date,
endAt: Date,
penaltySince?: Date,
attend: number,
title: string,
content: string,
rule: string,
pids: number[]
const acm = {
check: () => { },
showScoreboard: () => true,
showRecord: (tdoc, now) => now > tdoc.endAt,
stat: (tdoc, journal: any[]) => {
const naccept = {};
const effective = {};
const detail = [];
let accept = 0;
let time = 0;
for (const j of journal) {
if (tdoc.pids.includes(
&& !(effective[] && effective[].accept)) {
effective[] = j;
if (!j.accept) naccept[]++;
function _time(jdoc) {
const real = jdoc.rid.generationTime - Math.floor(tdoc.begin_at / 1000);
const penalty = 20 * 60 * naccept[];
return real + penalty;
for (const j in effective) {
...effective[j], naccept: naccept[effective[j].pid], time: _time(effective[j]),
for (const d of detail) {
accept += d.accept;
if (d.accept) time += d.time;
return { accept, time, detail };
scoreboard(isExport: boolean, _: (s: string) => string, tdoc, rankedTsdocs, udict, pdict) {
const columns: Column[] = [
{ type: 'rank', value: _('Rank') },
{ type: 'user', value: _('User') },
{ type: 'solved_problems', value: _('Solved Problems') },
if (isExport) {
columns.push({ type: 'total_time', value: _('Total Time (Seconds)') });
columns.push({ type: 'total_time_str', value: _('Total Time') });
for (const i in tdoc.pids) {
if (isExport) {
type: 'problem_flag',
value: '#{0} {1}'.format(i + 1, pdict[tdoc.pids[i]].title),
type: 'problem_time',
value: '#{0} {1}'.format(i + 1, _('Time (Seconds)')),
type: 'problem_time_str',
value: '#{0} {1}'.format(i + 1, _('Time')),
} else {
type: 'problem_detail',
value: '#{0}'.format(i + 1),
raw: pdict[tdoc.pids[i]],
const rows = [columns];
for (const [rank, tsdoc] of rankedTsdocs) {
const tsddict = {};
if (tdoc.detail) {
for (const item of tsdoc.journal) tsddict[] = item;
const row = [];
{ type: 'string', value: rank },
{ type: 'user', value: udict[tsdoc.uid].uname, raw: udict[tsdoc.uid] },
{ type: 'string', value: tsdoc.accept || 0 },
if (isExport) {
{ type: 'string', value: tsdoc.time || 0.0 },
{ type: 'string', value: tsdoc.time || 0.0 },
for (const pid of tdoc.pids) {
let rdoc;
let colAccepted;
let colTime;
let colTimeStr;
if ((tsddict[pid] || {}).accept) {
rdoc = tsddict[pid].rid;
colAccepted = _('Accepted');
colTime = tsddict[pid].time;
colTimeStr = colTime;
} else {
rdoc = null;
colAccepted = '-';
colTime = '-';
colTimeStr = '-';
if (isExport) {
row.push({ type: 'string', value: colAccepted });
row.push({ type: 'string', value: colTime });
row.push({ type: 'string', value: colTimeStr });
} else {
type: 'record',
value: '{0}\n{1}'.format(colAccepted, colTimeStr),
raw: rdoc,
return rows;
rank: (tdocs) => ranked(tdocs, (a, b) => a.score === b.score),
const oi = {
check: () => { },
stat: (tdoc, journal) => {
const detail = {};
let score = 0;
for (const j of journal) {
if (tdoc.pids.includes( {
detail[] = j;
score += j.score;
return { score, detail };
showScoreboard(tdoc, now) {
return now > tdoc.endAt;
showRecord(tdoc, now) {
return now > tdoc.endAt;
scoreboard(isExport, _, tdoc, rankedTsdocs, udict, pdict) {
const columns: Column[] = [
{ type: 'rank', value: _('Rank') },
{ type: 'user', value: _('User') },
{ type: 'total_score', value: _('Total Score') },
for (const i in tdoc.pids) {
if (isExport) {
type: 'problem_score',
value: '#{0} {1}'.format(i + 1, pdict[tdoc.pids[i]].title),
} else {
type: 'problem_detail',
value: '#{0}'.format(i + 1),
raw: pdict[tdoc.pids[i]],
const rows = [columns];
for (const [rank, tsdoc] of rankedTsdocs) {
const tsddict = {};
if (tsdoc.journal) { for (const item of tsdoc.journal) tsddict[] = item; }
const row = [];
row.push({ type: 'string', value: rank });
row.push({ type: 'user', value: udict[tsdoc.uid].uname, raw: udict[tsdoc.uid] });
row.push({ type: 'string', value: tsdoc.score || 0 });
for (const pid of tdoc.pids) {
type: 'record',
value: (tsddict[pid] || {}).score || '-',
raw: (tsddict[pid] || {}).rid || null,
return rows;
rank: (tdocs) => ranked(tdocs, (a, b) => a.score === b.score),
const homework = {
TEXT: 'Assignment',
check: () => { },
stat: (tdoc, journal) => {
const effective = {};
for (const j of journal) {
if (tdoc.pids.includes(
&& !effective[]
&& journal[].accept) {
effective[] = j;
function time(jdoc) {
const real = jdoc.rid.generationTime - tdoc.beginAt.getTime() / 1000;
return Math.floor(real);
function penaltyScore(jdoc) {
const { score } = jdoc;
const exceedSeconds = Math.floor(
jdoc.rid.generationTime - tdoc.penaltySince.getTime() / 1000,
if (exceedSeconds < 0) return score;
let coefficient = 1;
const keys = Object.keys(tdoc.penaltyRules)
.map((k) => parseFloat(k)).sort((a, b) => a - b);
for (const i of keys) {
if (i * 3600 <= exceedSeconds) coefficient = tdoc.penaltyRules[i];
else break;
return score * coefficient;
const detail = [];
for (const j in effective) {
penaltyScore: penaltyScore(effective[j]),
time: time(j),
return {
score: Math.sum( => d.score)),
penaltyScore: Math.sum( => d.penaltySince)),
time: Math.sum( => d.time)),
showScoreboard: () => true,
showRecord: () => true,
scoreboard(isExport, _, tdoc, rankedTsdocs, udict, pdict) {
const columns: Column[] = [
{ type: 'rank', value: _('Rank') },
{ type: 'user', value: _('User') },
{ type: 'total_score', value: _('Score') },
if (isExport) {
{ type: 'total_original_score', value: _('Original Score') },
{ type: 'total_time', value: _('Total Time (Seconds)') },
columns.push({ type: 'total_time_str', value: _('Total Time') });
for (const index in tdoc.pids) {
const pid = tdoc.pids[index];
if (isExport) {
type: 'problem_score',
value: '#{0} {1}'.format(index + 1, pdict[pid].title),
type: 'problem_original_score',
value: '#{0} {1}'.format(index + 1, _('Original Score')),
type: 'problem_time',
value: '#{0} {1}'.format(index + 1, _('Time (Seconds)')),
type: 'problem_time_str',
value: '#{0} {1}'.format(index + 1, _('Time')),
} else {
type: 'problem_detail',
value: '#{0}'.format(index + 1),
raw: pdict[pid],
const rows = [columns];
for (const [rank, tsdoc] of rankedTsdocs) {
const tsddict = {};
for (const item of tsdoc.journal || []) {
tsddict[] = item;
const row = [
{ type: 'string', value: rank },
type: 'user',
value: udict[tsdoc.uid].uname,
raw: udict[tsdoc.uid],
type: 'string',
value: tsdoc.penaltyScore || 0,
if (isExport) {
row.push({ type: 'string', value: tsdoc.score || 0 });
row.push({ type: 'string', value: tsdoc.time || 0.0 });
row.push({ type: 'string', value: misc.formatSeconds(tsdoc.time || 0) });
for (const pid of tdoc.pids) {
const rdoc = (tsddict[pid] || {}).rid;
const colScore = (tsddict[pid] || {}).penaltyScore || '-';
const colOriginalScore = (tsddict[pid] || {}).score || '-';
const colTime = (tsddict[pid] || {}).time || '-';
const colTimeStr = colTime !== '-' ? misc.formatSeconds(colTime || 0) : '-';
if (isExport) {
{ type: 'string', value: colScore },
{ type: 'string', value: colOriginalScore },
{ type: 'string', value: colTime },
{ type: 'string', value: colTimeStr },
} else {
type: 'record',
value: '{0} / {1}\n{2}'.format(colScore, colOriginalScore, colTimeStr),
raw: rdoc,
return rows;
rank: (tsdocs) => ranked(tsdocs, (a, b) => a.score === b.score),
export const RULES = {
acm, oi, homework,
export function add(
domainId: string, title: string, content: string, owner: number,
rule: string, beginAt = new Date(), endAt = new Date(), pids = [],
rated = false, data = {}, type = document.TYPE_CONTEST,
) {
if (!this.RULES[rule]) throw new ValidationError('rule');
if (beginAt >= endAt) throw new ValidationError('beginAt', 'endAt');
Object.assign(data, {
content, owner, title, rule, beginAt, endAt, pids, attend: 0,
return document.add(domainId, content, owner, type, null, null, null, {, title, rule, beginAt, endAt, pids, attend: 0, rated,
export async function edit(
domainId: string, tid: ObjectID,
$set: any, type = document.TYPE_CONTEST,
) {
if ($set.rule) {
if (!this.RULES[$set.rule]) throw new ValidationError('rule');
const tdoc = await document.get(domainId, type, tid);
if (!tdoc) throw new ContestNotFoundError(tid);
this.RULES[$set.rule || tdoc.rule].check(Object.assign(tdoc, $set));
return await document.set(domainId, type, tid, $set);
export async function get(domainId: string, tid: ObjectID, type = document.TYPE_CONTEST) {
let tdoc;
if (type === -1) {
tdoc = await document.get(domainId, document.TYPE_CONTEST, tid);
if (!tdoc) tdoc = await document.get(domainId, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK, tid);
} else tdoc = await document.get(domainId, type, tid);
if (!tdoc) throw new ContestNotFoundError(tid);
return tdoc;
export async function updateStatus(
domainId: string, tid: ObjectID, uid: number, rid: ObjectID, pid: number,
accept = false, score = 0, type = document.TYPE_CONTEST,
) {
await get(domainId, tid, type);
const tsdoc = await document.revPushStatus(domainId, type, tid, uid, 'journal', {
rid, pid, accept, score,
if (!tsdoc.attend) throw new ContestNotAttendedError(tid, uid);
export function getStatus(
domainId: string, tid: ObjectID, uid: number,
type = document.TYPE_CONTEST,
) {
return document.getStatus(domainId, type, tid, uid);
export async function getListStatus(
domainId: string, uid: number, tids: ObjectID[],
type = document.TYPE_CONTEST,
) {
const r = {};
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
for (const tid of tids) r[tid.toHexString()] = await getStatus(domainId, tid, uid, type);
return r;
export async function attend(
domainId: string, tid: ObjectID, uid: number,
type = document.TYPE_CONTEST,
) {
try {
await document.cappedIncStatus(domainId, type, tid, uid, 'attend', 1, 0, 1);
} catch (e) {
throw new ContestAlreadyAttendedError(tid, uid);
await, type, tid, 'attend', 1);
return {};
export function getMultiStatus(domainId: string, query: any, docType = document.TYPE_CONTEST) {
return document.getMultiStatus(domainId, docType, query);
export function isNew(tdoc: Tdoc, days = 1) {
const now = new Date().getTime();
const readyAt = tdoc.beginAt.getTime();
return (now < readyAt - days * 24 * 3600 * 1000);
export function isUpcoming(tdoc: Tdoc, days = 1) {
const now = new Date().getTime();
const readyAt = tdoc.beginAt.getTime();
return (now > readyAt - days * 24 * 3600 * 1000 && now < tdoc.beginAt.getTime());
export function isNotStarted(tdoc: Tdoc) {
return (new Date()) < tdoc.beginAt;
export function isOngoing(tdoc: Tdoc) {
const now = new Date();
return (tdoc.beginAt <= now && now < tdoc.endAt);
export function isDone(tdoc: Tdoc) {
return tdoc.endAt <= new Date();
export function isExtended(tdoc: Tdoc) {
const now = new Date().getTime();
return tdoc.penaltySince.getTime() <= now && now < tdoc.endAt.getTime();
export const ContestHandlerMixin = (c) => class extends c {
canViewHiddenScoreboard() {
canShowRecord(tdoc: Tdoc, allowPermOverride = true) {
if (RULES[tdoc.rule].showRecord(tdoc, new Date())) return true;
if (allowPermOverride && this.canViewHiddenScoreboard()) return true;
return false;
canShowScoreboard(tdoc: Tdoc, allowPermOverride = true) {
if (RULES[tdoc.rule].showScoreboard(tdoc, new Date())) return true;
if (allowPermOverride && this.canViewHiddenScoreboard()) return true;
return false;
async getScoreboard(
domainId: string, tid: ObjectID,
isExport = false, docType = document.TYPE_CONTEST,
) {
const tdoc = await get(domainId, tid, docType);
if (!this.canShowScoreboard(tdoc)) throw new ContestScoreboardHiddenError(tid);
const tsdocs = await getMultiStatus(domainId, { docId: tid }, docType)
const uids = [];
for (const tsdoc of tsdocs) uids.push(tsdoc.uid);
const [udict, pdict] = await Promise.all([
user.getList(domainId, uids),
problem.getList(domainId, tdoc.pids, true),
const rankedTsdocs = RULES[tdoc.rule].rank(tsdocs);
const rows = RULES[tdoc.rule].scoreboard(isExport, (str) => (str ? str.toString().translate(this.user.language) : ''), tdoc, rankedTsdocs, udict, pdict);
return [tdoc, rows, udict];
// eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
async verifyProblems(domainId: string, pids: number[]) {
await problem.getList(domainId, pids, true);
return pids;
export function setStatus(domainId: string, tid: ObjectID, uid: number, $set: any) {
return document.setStatus(domainId, document.TYPE_CONTEST, tid, uid, $set);
export function count(domainId: string, query: any, type = document.TYPE_CONTEST) {
return document.count(domainId, type, query);
export function getMulti(domainId: string, query = {}, type = document.TYPE_CONTEST) {
return document.getMulti(domainId, type, query);
export function _getStatusJournal(tsdoc) {
return tsdoc.journal.sort((a, b) => (a.rid.generationTime - b.rid.generationTime));
export async function getAndListStatus(
domainId: string, tid: ObjectID, docType = document.TYPE_CONTEST,
) {
// TODO(iceboy): projection, pagination.
const tdoc = await get(domainId, tid, docType);
const tsdocs = await document.getMultiStatus(domainId, docType, { docId: tid })
return [tdoc, tsdocs];
export async function recalcStatus(domainId: string, tid: ObjectID, type = document.TYPE_CONTEST) {
const [tdoc, tsdocs] = await Promise.all([
document.get(domainId, type, tid),
document.getMultiStatus(domainId, type, { docId: tid }).toArray(),
const tasks = [];
for (const tsdoc of tsdocs || []) {
if (tsdoc.journal) {
const journal = _getStatusJournal(tsdoc);
const stats = RULES[tdoc.rule].stat(tdoc, journal);
domainId, type, tid,
tsdoc.uid, tsdoc.rev, { journal, ...stats }, false,
return await Promise.all(tasks);
export const statusText = (tdoc: Tdoc) => (
? 'New'
: isUpcoming(tdoc)
? 'Ready (☆▽☆)'
: isOngoing(tdoc)
? 'Live...'
: 'Done');
export const getStatusText = (tdoc: Tdoc) => (
? 'not_started'
: isOngoing(tdoc)
? 'ongoing'
: 'finished');
global.Hydro.model.contest = {