You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

163 lines
8.2 KiB

{% import "components/record.html" as record with context %}
{% import "components/problem.html" as problem with context %}
{% set expanded = 0 %}
<div data-fragment-id="training_detail">
{% if handler.request.query.uid and handler.request.query.uid != handler.user._id %}
<blockquote class="typo note">
<p>{{ _('page.training_detail.see_other_user_detail').format(udict[handler.request.query.uid].uname) }}</p>
{% endif %}
{%- for node in tdoc['dag'] -%}
<div data-heading-extract-to="#menu-item-training_detail" class="training__section {% if expanded < 5 and (nsdict[node['_id']]['isProgress'] or nsdict[node['_id']]['isOpen']) %}expanded{% set expanded = expanded + 1 %}{% else %}collapsed{% endif %}">
<div class="section__header clearfix">
<div class="float-left">
<h1 data-heading id="node-{{ node._id }}" class="section__title">{{ _('Section') }} {{ node['_id'] }}. {{ node['title'].split('\n')[0] }}</h1>
{% if node['title'].split('\n')[1] %}<h4>{{ node['title'].split('\n')[1] }}</h4>{% endif %}
<div class="float-right">
<h1 class="section__title training-section-status--text {% if nsdict[node['_id']]['isDone'] %}done{% elif nsdict[node['_id']]['isProgress'] %}progress{% elif nsdict[node['_id']]['isOpen'] %}open{% else %}invalid{% endif %}">
<span class="icon training-section-status--icon {% if nsdict[node['_id']]['isDone'] %}done{% elif nsdict[node['_id']]['isProgress'] %}progress{% elif nsdict[node['_id']]['isOpen'] %}open{% else %}invalid{% endif %}"></span>
{% if nsdict[node['_id']]['isDone'] %}
{{ _('Completed') }}
{% elif nsdict[node['_id']]['isProgress'] %}
{{ _('In Progress') }}
{% elif nsdict[node['_id']]['isOpen'] %}
{{ _('Open') }}
{% else %}
{{ _('Invalid') }}
{% endif %}
<div class="section__body">
<ul class="supplementary dot list">
<a href="javascript:;" name="training__section__expand" class="expanded--hidden"><span class="icon icon-expand_more"></span> {{ _('expand') }}</a>
<a href="javascript:;" name="training__section__collapse" class="collapsed--hidden"><span class="icon icon-expand_less"></span> {{ _('collapse') }}</a>
TODO(twd2): twd2 todo
递交了 ? 次完成该章节 (TOP ?%)
第 ? 个完成该章节 (总计 ? 用户完成)
<div class="training__section__detail">
{% if nsdict[node['_id']]['isInvalid'] %}
<div class="section__body">
<blockquote class="typo note">
<p>{{ _('This section cannot be challenged at present, so please complete the following sections first') }}:</p>
{%- for nid in node['requireNids'] -%}
<li>{{ _('Section') }} {{ _(nid) }}. {{ ndict[nid]['title'] }} ({{ _('Completed') }} {{ nsdict[nid]['progress'] }}%)</li>
{%- endfor -%}
{% endif %}
{% if node['content'] %}
<div class="section__body typo">
{{ node['content']|markdown|safe }}
{% endif %}
<div class="section__body no-padding training__problems">
{% set should_compare = (handler.request.query.uid or handler.user._id) != handler.user._id and tsdoc["enroll"] %}
<table class="data-table">
{% if handler.user.hasPriv(PRIV.PRIV_USER_PROFILE) %}
{% if should_compare %}
<col class="col--status col--status--sm">
<col class="col--status col--status--sm">
{% else %}
<col class="col--status">
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<col class="col--name">
<col class="col--tried">
<col class="col--ac">
<col class="col--difficulty">
{% if handler.user.hasPriv(PRIV.PRIV_USER_PROFILE) %}
{% if should_compare %}
<th class="col--status col--status--sm record-status--border">{{ _('Status') }}</th>
<th class="col--status col--status--sm">{{ _('My status') }}</th>
{% else %}
<th class="col--status record-status--border">{{ _('Status') }}</th>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<th class="col--name">{{ _('Problem') }}</th>
<th class="col--tried">{{ _('Tried') }}</th>
<th class="col--ac">{{ _('AC') }}</th>
<th class="col--difficulty">{{ _('Difficulty') }}</th>
{%- for pid in node['pids'] -%}
{% if pid in pdict %}
{% set pdoc=pdict[pid] %}
{% set psdoc=psdict[pid] %}
{% set self_psdoc=selfPsdict[pid] %}
{% if handler.user.hasPriv(PRIV.PRIV_USER_PROFILE) %}
{% if psdoc['rid'] %}
{{ record.render_status_td(psdoc, rid_key='rid', short=should_compare) }}
{% else %}
<td class="col--status record-status--border"></td>
{% endif %}
{% if should_compare %}
{% if self_psdoc['rid'] %}
{{ record.render_status_td(self_psdoc, rid_key='rid', short=true) }}
{% else %}
<td class="col--status col--status--sm"></td>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<td class="col--name col--problem-name">
{% if handler.user.hasPriv(PRIV.PRIV_USER_PROFILE) %}
<form class="form--inline" action="{{ url('problem_main') }}" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="pid" value="{{ pdoc.docId }}">
<input type="hidden" name="operation" value="{% if not psdoc['star'] %}star{% else %}unstar{% endif %}">
<button class="star{% if psdoc['star'] %} activated{% endif %}" type="submit">
<span class="starred--hide"><span class="icon icon-star--outline" data-tooltip="{{ _('Star') }}"></span></span>
<span class="starred--show"><span class="icon icon-star" data-tooltip="{{ _('Unstar') }}"></span></span>
{% endif %}
{{ problem.render_problem_title(
invalid=not tsdoc['enroll'] or nsdict[node['_id']]['isInvalid'],
) }}
<td class="col--tried">{{ pdoc.nSubmit }}</td>
<td class="col--ac">{{ pdoc.nAccept }}</td>
<td class="col--difficulty">{{ pdoc['difficulty'] or lib.difficulty(pdoc.nSubmit, pdoc.nAccept) or _('(None)') }}</td>
{% else %}
{% set pdoc = {'_id': pid, 'hidden': true, 'title': '*'} %}
<td class="col--status record-status--border">
<td class="col--name col--problem-name">
{{ problem.render_problem_title(pdoc, invalid=true) }}
<td class="col--tried">*</td>
<td class="col--ac">*</td>
<td class="col--difficulty">*</td>
{% endif %}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}
<div class="section__body">&nbsp;<!-- space placeholder --></div>