You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

39 lines
2.0 KiB

{% import "components/record.html" as record with context %}
{% import "components/problem.html" as problem with context %}
<tr data-rid="{{ rdoc['_id'] }}">
{{ record.render_status_td(rdoc) }}
<td class="col--problem col--problem-name">
{% if handler.user.hasPerm(perm.PERM_REJUDGE) %}
<form class="form--inline" method="post" action="{{ url('record_detail', rid=rdoc._id) }}">
<input type="hidden" name="operation" value="rejudge">
<input type="hidden" name="csrfToken" value="{{ handler.csrfToken }}">
<button type="submit" class="link text-maroon lighter">
<span class="icon icon-refresh"></span>
{{ _('Rejudge') }}
</button> |
{% endif %}
{% if pdoc and rdoc.contest %}
{{ problem.render_problem_title(pdoc, tdoc=tdoc, show_tags=false, show_invisible_flag=false) }}
{% elif pdoc and (not pdoc.hidden or handler.user.hasPerm(perm.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM_HIDDEN) or handler.user.own(pdoc)) %}
{{ problem.render_problem_title(pdoc, show_tags=false) }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% if rdoc.input %}({{ _('Pretest') }}){% endif %}
<td class="col--submit-by">
<a href="{{ url('user_detail', uid=rdoc.uid) }}">
{% if udoc.displayName %}
{{ udoc.displayName }} ({{ udoc.uname }})
{% else %}
{{ udoc.uname }}
{% endif %}
<td class="col--time">{% if rdoc['status'] == STATUS.STATUS_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED or rdoc['status'] == STATUS.STATUS_MEMORY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED or rdoc['status'] == STATUS.STATUS_OUTPUT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED %}&ge;{% endif %}{{ rdoc.time|round|int }}ms</td>
<td class="col--memory">{% if rdoc['status'] == STATUS.STATUS_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED or rdoc['status'] == STATUS.STATUS_MEMORY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED or rdoc['status'] == STATUS.STATUS_OUTPUT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED %}&ge;{% endif %}{{ size(rdoc.memory, 1024) }}</td>
<td class="col--lang">{{ model.setting.langs[rdoc['lang']].display }}</td>
<td class="col--submit-at">{{ datetimeSpan(rdoc['_id'])|safe }}</td>