You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

329 lines
14 KiB

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters!

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

/* eslint-disable no-tabs */
/* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */
import path from 'path';
import mariadb from 'mariadb';
import TurndownService from 'turndown';
import {
_, buildContent, ContestModel, DomainModel, fs, noop, NotFoundError, ObjectId, postJudge, ProblemModel,
RecordDoc, RecordModel, SolutionModel, STATUS, StorageModel, SystemModel, Time, UserModel,
} from 'hydrooj';
const turndown = new TurndownService({
codeBlockStyle: 'fenced',
bulletListMarker: '-',
const statusMap = {
const langMap = {
0: 'c',
1: 'cc',
2: 'pas',
3: 'java',
4: 'rb',
5: 'bash',
6: 'py',
7: 'php',
8: 'perl',
9: 'cs',
10: 'oc',
11: 'fb',
12: 'sc',
13: 'cl',
14: 'cl++',
15: 'lua',
16: 'js',
17: 'go',
const nameMap: Record<string, string> = {
'': '',
'sample.out': 'sample0.out',
'': '',
'test.out': 'test0.out',
async function addContestFile(domainId: string, tid: ObjectId, filename: string, filepath: string) {
const tdoc = await ContestModel.get(domainId, tid);
await StorageModel.put(`contest/${domainId}/${tid}/${filename}`, filepath, 1);
const meta = await StorageModel.getMeta(`contest/${domainId}/${tid}/${filename}`);
const payload = { _id: filename, name: filename, ..._.pick(meta, ['size', 'lastModified', 'etag']) };
if (!meta) return false;
await ContestModel.edit(domainId, tid, { files: [...(tdoc.files || []), payload] });
return true;
export async function run({
host = 'localhost', port = 3306, name = 'jol',
username, password, domainId, contestType = 'oi',
dataDir, uploadDir = '/home/judge/src/web/upload/', rerun = true, randomMail = false,
}, report: Function) {
const src = await mariadb.createConnection({
user: username,
database: name,
const query = (q: string) => new Promise<any[]>((res, rej) => {
src.query(q).then((r) => res(r)).catch((e) => rej(e));
const target = await DomainModel.get(domainId);
if (!target) throw new NotFoundError(domainId);
report({ message: 'Connected to database' });
user_id varchar 20 N 用户id主键
email varchar 100 Y 用户E-mail
submit int 11 Y 用户提交次数
solved int 11 Y 成功次数
defunct char 1 N 是否屏蔽Y/N
ip varchar 20 N 用户注册ip
accesstime datetime Y 用户注册时间
volume int 11 N 页码(表示用户上次看到第几页)
language int 11 N 语言
password varchar 32 Y 密码(加密)
reg_time datetime Y 用户注册时间
nick varchar 100 N 昵称
school varchar 100 N 用户所在学校
const uidMap: Record<string, number> = {};
const udocs = await query('SELECT * FROM `users`');
const precheck = await UserModel.getMulti({ unameLower: { $in: => u.user_id.toLowerCase()) } }).toArray();
if (precheck.length) throw new Error(`Conflict username: ${ => u.unameLower).join(', ')}`);
for (const udoc of udocs) {
if (randomMail) delete;
let current = await UserModel.getByEmail(domainId, || `${udoc.user_id}@hustoj.local`);
current ||= await UserModel.getByUname(domainId, udoc.user_id);
if (current) {
report({ message: `duplicate user with email ${}: ${current.uname},${udoc.user_id}` });
uidMap[udoc.user_id] = current._id;
} else {
const uid = await UserModel.create( || `${udoc.user_id}@hustoj.local`, udoc.user_id, '',
null, udoc.ip, udoc.defunct === 'Y' ? 0 : SystemModel.get('default.priv'),
uidMap[udoc.user_id] = uid;
await UserModel.setById(uid, {
loginat: udoc.accesstime,
regat: udoc.reg_time,
hash: udoc.password,
salt: udoc.password,
school: || '',
hashType: 'hust',
await DomainModel.setUserInDomain(domainId, uid, {
displayName: udoc.nick || '',
school: || '',
nSubmit: udoc.submit,
nAccept: 0,
const admins = await query("SELECT * FROM `privilege` WHERE `rightstr` = 'administrator'");
for (const admin of admins) await DomainModel.setUserRole(domainId, uidMap[admin.user_id], 'root');
const adminUids = => uidMap[admin.user_id]);
report({ message: 'user finished' });
problem_id int 11 N 题目编号,主键
title varchar 200 N 标题
description text Y 题目描述
inupt text Y 输入说明
output text Y 输出说明
sample_input text Y 输入参照
sample_output text Y 输出参照
spj char 1 N 是否为特别题目
hint text Y 暗示
source varchar 100 Y 来源
in_date datetime Y 加入时间
time_limit int 11 N 限时(秒)
memory_limit int 11 N 空间限制(MByte)
defunct char 1 N 是否屏蔽Y/N
accepted int 11 Y 总ac次数
submit int 11 Y 总提交次数
solved int 11 Y 解答(未用)
solution #optional
const pidMap: Record<string, number> = {};
const [{ 'count(*)': pcount }] = await query('SELECT count(*) FROM `problem`');
const step = 50;
const pageCount = Math.ceil(Number(pcount) / step);
for (let pageId = 0; pageId < pageCount; pageId++) {
const pdocs = await query(`SELECT * FROM \`problem\` LIMIT ${pageId * step}, ${step}`);
for (const pdoc of pdocs) {
if (rerun) {
const opdoc = await ProblemModel.get(domainId, `P${pdoc.problem_id}`);
if (opdoc) pidMap[pdoc.problem_id] = opdoc.docId;
if (!pidMap[pdoc.problem_id]) {
const files = {};
let content = buildContent({
description: pdoc.description,
input: pdoc.input,
output: pdoc.output,
samples: [[pdoc.sample_input.trim(), pdoc.sample_output.trim()]],
hint: pdoc.hint,
source: pdoc.source,
}, 'html');
const uploadFiles = content.matchAll(/(?:src|href)="\/upload\/([^"]+\/([^"]+))"/g);
for (const file of uploadFiles) {
try {
files[file[2]] = await fs.readFile(path.join(uploadDir, file[1]));
content = content.replace(`/upload/${file[1]}`, `file://${file[2]}`);
} catch (e) {
report({ message: `failed to read file: ${path.join(uploadDir, file[1])}` });
const pid = await ProblemModel.add(
domainId, `P${pdoc.problem_id}`,
pdoc.title, content,
1, pdoc.source?.trim().length ? pdoc.source.split(' ').map((i) => i.trim()).filter((i) => i) : [],
{ hidden: pdoc.defunct === 'Y' },
pidMap[pdoc.problem_id] = pid;
await Promise.all(Object.keys(files).map((filename) => ProblemModel.addAdditionalFile(domainId, pid, filename, files[filename])));
if (Object.keys(files).length) report({ message: `move ${Object.keys(files).length} file for problem ${pid}` });
const cdoc = await query(`SELECT * FROM \`privilege\` WHERE \`rightstr\` = 'p${pdoc.problem_id}'`);
const maintainer = [];
for (let i = 1; i < cdoc.length; i++) maintainer.push(uidMap[cdoc[i].user_id]);
await ProblemModel.edit(domainId, pidMap[pdoc.problem_id], {
nAccept: 0,
nSubmit: pdoc.submit,
config: `time: ${pdoc.time_limit}s\nmemory: ${pdoc.memory_limit}m`,
owner: uidMap[cdoc[0]?.user_id] || 1,
html: true,
if (pdoc.solution) {
const md = turndown.turndown(pdoc.solution);
await SolutionModel.add(domainId, pidMap[pdoc.problem_id], 1, md);
report({ message: 'problem finished' });
contest_id int 11 N 竞赛id主键
title varchar 255 Y 竞赛标题
start_time datetime Y 开始时间(年月日时分)
end_time datatime Y 结束时间(年月日时分)
defunct char 1 N 是否屏蔽Y/N
description text Y 描述(在此版本中未用)
private tinyint 4 公开/内部0/1
langmask int 11 语言
password char(16) 进入比赛的密码
user_id char(48) 允许参加比赛用户列表
const tidMap: Record<string, string> = {};
const tdocs = await query('SELECT * FROM `contest`');
for (const tdoc of tdocs) {
const pdocs = await query(`SELECT * FROM \`contest_problem\` WHERE \`contest_id\` = ${tdoc.contest_id}`);
const pids = => pidMap[i.problem_id]).filter((i) => i);
const files = {};
let description = tdoc.description;
const uploadFiles = description.matchAll(/(?:src|href)="\/upload\/([^"]+\/([^"]+))"/g);
for (const file of uploadFiles) {
files[file[2]] = await fs.readFile(path.join(uploadDir, file[1]));
description = description.replace(`/upload/${file[1]}`, `file://${file[2]}`);
const tid = await ContestModel.add(
domainId, tdoc.title, tdoc.description || 'Description',
adminUids[0], contestType, tdoc.start_time, tdoc.end_time, pids, true,
{ _code: password },
tidMap[tdoc.contest_id] = tid.toHexString();
await Promise.all(Object.keys(files).map((filename) => addContestFile(domainId, tid, filename, files[filename])));
if (Object.keys(files).length) report({ message: `move ${Object.keys(files).length} file for contest ${tidMap[tdoc.contest_id]}` });
report({ message: 'contest finished' });
solution 程序运行结果记录
字段名 类型 长度 是否允许为空 备注
solution_id int 11 N 运行id主键
problem_id int 11 N 问题id
user_id char 20 N 用户id
time int 11 N 用时(秒)
memory int 11 N 所用空间()
in_date datetime N 加入时间
result smallint 6 N 结果4AC
language tinyint 4 N 语言
ip char 15 N 用户ip
contest_id int 11 Y 所属于竞赛组
valid tinyint 4 N 是否有效???
num tinyint 4 N 题目在竞赛中的顺序号
code_lenght int 11 N 代码长度
judgetime datetime Y 判题时间
pass_rate decimal 2 N 通过百分比OI模式下可用
lint_error int N
judger char(16) N 判题机
const [{ 'count(*)': rcount }] = await query('SELECT count(*) FROM `solution`');
const rpageCount = Math.ceil(Number(rcount) / step);
for (let pageId = 0; pageId < rpageCount; pageId++) {
const rdocs = await query(`SELECT * FROM \`solution\` LIMIT ${pageId * step}, ${step}`);
for (const rdoc of rdocs) {
const data: RecordDoc = {
status: statusMap[rdoc.result] || 0,
_id: Time.getObjectID(rdoc.in_date, false),
uid: uidMap[rdoc.user_id] || 0,
code: "HustOJ didn't provide user code",
lang: langMap[rdoc.language] || '',
pid: pidMap[rdoc.problem_id] || 0,
score: rdoc.pass_rate ? Math.ceil(rdoc.pass_rate * 100) : rdoc.result === 4 ? 100 : 0,
time: rdoc.time || 0,
memory: rdoc.memory || 0,
judgeTexts: [],
compilerTexts: [],
testCases: [],
judgeAt: new Date(),
rejudged: false,
judger: 1,
const ceInfo = await query(`SELECT \`error\` FROM \`compileinfo\` WHERE \`solution_id\` = ${rdoc.solution_id}`);
if (ceInfo[0]?.error) data.judgeTexts.push(ceInfo[0].error);
const rtInfo = await query(`SELECT \`error\` FROM \`runtimeinfo\` WHERE \`solution_id\` = ${rdoc.solution_id}`);
if (rtInfo[0]?.error) data.judgeTexts.push(rtInfo[0].error);
const source = await query(`SELECT \`source\` FROM \`source_code\` WHERE \`solution_id\` = ${rdoc.solution_id}`);
if (source[0]?.source) data.code = source[0].source;
if (rdoc.contest_id) {
data.contest = new ObjectId(tidMap[rdoc.contest_id]);
await ContestModel.attend(domainId, data.contest, uidMap[rdoc.user_id]).catch(noop);
await RecordModel.coll.insertOne(data);
await postJudge(data).catch((err) => report({ message: err.message }));
report({ message: 'record finished' });
if (!dataDir) return true;
if (dataDir.endsWith('/')) dataDir = dataDir.slice(0, -1);
const files = await fs.readdir(dataDir, { withFileTypes: true });
for (const file of files) {
if (!file.isDirectory()) continue;
const datas = await fs.readdir(`${dataDir}/${}`, { withFileTypes: true });
const pdoc = await ProblemModel.get(domainId, `P${}`, undefined, true);
if (!pdoc) continue;
report({ message: `Syncing testdata for ${}` });
for (const data of datas) {
if (data.isDirectory()) continue;
const filename = nameMap[] ||;
await ProblemModel.addTestdata(domainId, pdoc.docId, filename, `${dataDir}/${}/${}`);
await ProblemModel.addTestdata(domainId, pdoc.docId, 'config.yaml', Buffer.from(pdoc.config as string));
return true;