You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

89 lines
2.3 KiB

import Clipboard from 'clipboard';
import * as echarts from 'echarts';
import moment from 'moment-timezone';
import { NamedPage } from 'vj/misc/Page';
import substitute from 'vj/utils/substitute';
import Notification from 'vj/components/notification';
import i18n from 'vj/utils/i18n';
import base64 from 'vj/utils/base64';
import request from 'vj/utils/request';
const page = new NamedPage('user_detail', async () => {
$('[name="profile_contact_copy"]').get().forEach((el) => {
const data = $(el).attr('data-content');
const decoded = base64.decode(data);
const clip = new Clipboard(el, { text: () => decoded });
clip.on('success', () => {
Notification.success(substitute(i18n('"{data}" copied to clipboard!'), { data: decoded }), 2000);
clip.on('error', () => {
Notification.error(substitute(i18n('Copy "{data}" failed :('), { data: decoded }));
const data = await request.get('');
const history = data.udoc?.ratingHistory || [];
while (history.length > 30) history.shift();
while (history.length < 30) history.unshift(1500);
const $dom = document.getElementById('rating-placeholder');
const chart = echarts.init($dom, undefined);
title: {
text: 'Rating',
left: '1%',
tooltip: { trigger: 'axis' },
grid: {
left: '5%',
right: '1%',
bottom: '10%',
xAxis: { data:, i) => moment().add(-30 + i, 'days').fromNow()) },
yAxis: { type: 'category' },
toolbox: {
right: 10,
feature: {
dataZoom: { yAxisIndex: 'none' },
restore: {},
saveAsImage: {},
dataZoom: [{ type: 'inside' }],
visualMap: {
show: false,
pieces: [{
lte: 1000,
color: '#AC3B2A',
}, {
gt: 1000,
lte: 1200,
color: '#AA069F',
}, {
gt: 1200,
lte: 1400,
color: '#FD0100',
}, {
gt: 1400,
lte: 1600,
color: '#FC7D02',
}, {
gt: 1600,
lte: 1900,
color: '#FBDB0F',
}, {
gt: 1900,
color: '#93CE07',
outOfRange: {
color: '#999',
series: {
name: 'Rating',
type: 'line',
data: => Math.floor(i)),
export default page;