You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

307 lines
9.6 KiB

// @ts-nocheck
/* eslint-disable */
import Picker from 'pickadate/lib/picker';
const HOURS_IN_DAY = 24;
const MINUTES_IN_HOUR = 60;
const { _ } = Picker;
export default class TimePicker {
queue = {
interval: 'i',
min: 'measure create',
max: 'measure create',
now: 'now create',
select: 'parse create',
highlight: 'parse create',
view: 'parse create',
item = {
clear: null,
interval: 15,
disable: [],
enable: 1,
key = {
40: 1, // Down
38: -1, // Up
39: 1, // Right
37: -1, // Left
go(timeChange) {
this.item.highlight.pick + timeChange * this.item.interval,
{ interval: timeChange * this.item.interval },
constructor(picker, public settings) {
const clock = this;
const elementValue = picker.$node[0].value;
const elementDataValue = picker.$'value');
const valueString = elementDataValue || elementValue;
const formatString = elementDataValue ? settings.formatSubmit : settings.format;
clock.$node = picker.$node;
.set('min', settings.min)
.set('max', settings.max)
.set('select', valueString || '00:00', {
format: formatString,
.on('render', () => {
const $pickerHolder = picker.$root.children();
const $viewset = $pickerHolder.find(`.${settings.klass.viewset}`);
const vendors = function (prop) {
return ['webkit', 'moz', 'ms', 'o', ''].map((vendor) => (vendor ? `-${vendor}-` : '') + prop);
const animations = function ($el, state) {
vendors('transform').map((prop) => {
$el.css(prop, state);
vendors('transition').map((prop) => {
$el.css(prop, state);
if ($viewset.length) {
animations($pickerHolder, 'none');
$pickerHolder[0].scrollTop = ~~$viewset.position().top - ($viewset[0].clientHeight * 2);
animations($pickerHolder, '');
}, 1)
.on('open', () => {
picker.$root.find('button').attr('disabled', false);
}, 1)
.on('close', () => {
picker.$root.find('button').attr('disabled', true);
}, 1);
set(type, value?, options?) {
const clock = this;
const clockItem = clock.item;
if (value === null) {
if (type == 'clear') type = 'select';
clockItem[type] = value;
return clock;
// Otherwise go through the queue of methods, and invoke the functions.
// Update this as the time unit, and set the final value as this item.
// * In the case of `enable`, keep the queue but set `disable` instead.
clockItem[type] = clock.queue[type].split(' ').map((method) => {
value = clock[method](type, value, options);
return value;
if (type == 'select') {
clock.set('highlight',, options);
} else if (type == 'highlight') {
clock.set('view', clockItem.highlight, options);
} else if (type == 'min') {
clock.set('max', clockItem.max, options);
return clock;
get(type) {
return this.item[type];
formats = {
H(string, timeObject) {
return string ? _.digits(string) : `${timeObject.hour % 24}`;
i(string, timeObject) {
return string ? 2 : _.lead(timeObject.mins);
// Create an array by splitting the formatting string passed.
toArray(formatString) { return formatString.split(/(h{1,2}|H{1,2}|i|a|A|!.)/g); },
// Format an object into a string using the formatting options.
toString(formatString, itemObject) {
const clock = this;
return clock.formats.toArray(formatString).map((label) => _.trigger(clock.formats[label], clock, [0, itemObject]) || label.replace(/^!/, '')).join('');
create(type, value, options) {
const clock = this;
value = value === undefined ? type : value;
if (_.isDate(value)) {
value = [value.getHours(), value.getMinutes()];
if ($.isPlainObject(value) && _.isInteger(value.pick)) {
value = value.pick;
} else if ($.isArray(value)) {
value = +value[0] * MINUTES_IN_HOUR + (+value[1]);
if (type == 'max' && value < clock.item.min.pick) {
value += MINUTES_IN_DAY;
if (type != 'min' && type != 'max' && (value - clock.item.min.pick) % clock.item.interval !== 0) {
value += clock.item.interval;
value = clock.normalize(type, value, options);
return {
time: (MINUTES_IN_DAY + value) % MINUTES_IN_DAY,
pick: value % MINUTES_IN_DAY,
normalize(type, value/* , options */) {
const { interval } = this.item;
const minTime = this.item.min && this.item.min.pick || 0;
value -= type == 'min' ? 0 : (value - minTime) % interval;
return value;
measure(type, value, options) {
const clock = this;
if (!value) {
value = type == 'min' ? [0, 0] : [HOURS_IN_DAY - 1, MINUTES_IN_HOUR - 1];
if (typeof value === 'string') {
value = clock.parse(type, value);
} else if ($.isPlainObject(value) && _.isInteger(value.pick)) {
value = clock.normalize(type, value.pick, options);
return value;
scope = function (timeObject) {
const minLimit = this.item.min.pick;
const maxLimit = this.item.max.pick;
return this.create(timeObject.pick > maxLimit ? maxLimit : timeObject.pick < minLimit ? minLimit : timeObject);
}; // TimePicker.prototype.scope
parse(type, value, options) {
let hour; let minutes; let item; let parseValue;
const clock = this;
const parsingObject = {};
if (!value || typeof value !== 'string') return value;
if (!(options && options.format)) {
options = options || {};
options.format = clock.settings.format;
clock.formats.toArray(options.format).map((label) => {
let substring;
const formattingLabel = clock.formats[label];
const formatLength = formattingLabel
? _.trigger(formattingLabel, clock, [value, parsingObject])
: label.replace(/^!/, '').length;
if (formattingLabel) {
substring = value.substr(0, formatLength);
parsingObject[label] = substring.match(/^\d+$/) ? +substring : substring;
value = value.substr(formatLength);
// Grab the hour and minutes from the parsing object.
for (item in parsingObject) {
parseValue = parsingObject[item];
if (_.isInteger(parseValue)) {
if (item.match(/^(h|hh)$/i)) hour = parseValue;
else if (item == 'i') minutes = parseValue;
// Calculate it in minutes and return.
return hour * MINUTES_IN_HOUR + minutes;
nodes(isOpen) {
const clock = this;
const { settings } = clock;
const selectedObject =;
const highlightedObject = clock.item.highlight;
const viewsetObject = clock.item.view;
return _.node(
min: clock.item.min.pick,
max: clock.item.max.pick,
i: clock.item.interval,
node: 'li',
item(loopedTime) {
loopedTime = clock.create(loopedTime);
const timeMinutes = loopedTime.pick;
const isSelected = selectedObject && selectedObject.pick == timeMinutes;
const isHighlighted = highlightedObject && highlightedObject.pick == timeMinutes;
const formattedTime = _.trigger(clock.formats.toString, clock, [settings.format, loopedTime]);
return [
_.trigger(clock.formats.toString, clock, [_.trigger(settings.formatLabel, clock, [loopedTime]) || settings.format, loopedTime]),
(function (klasses) {
if (isSelected) klasses.push(settings.klass.selected);
if (isHighlighted) klasses.push(settings.klass.highlighted);
if (viewsetObject && viewsetObject.pick == timeMinutes) {
return klasses.join(' ');
`data-pick=${loopedTime.pick} ${_.ariaAttr({
role: 'option',
label: formattedTime,
selected: isSelected && clock.$node.val() === formattedTime ? true : null,
activedescendant: isHighlighted ? true : null,
disabled: null,
+ _.node(
`type=button data-clear=1${isOpen ? '' : ' disabled'} ${_.ariaAttr({ controls: clock.$node[0].id })}`,
_.ariaAttr({ role: 'presentation' }),
_.ariaAttr({ role: 'listbox', controls: clock.$node[0].id }),
static defaults = (function (prefix) {
return {
clear: 'Clear',
format: 'h:i A',
interval: 30,
closeOnSelect: true,
closeOnClear: true,
updateInput: true,
klass: {
picker: `${prefix} ${prefix}--time`,
holder: `${prefix}__holder`,
list: `${prefix}__list`,
listItem: `${prefix}__list-item`,
disabled: `${prefix}__list-item--disabled`,
selected: `${prefix}__list-item--selected`,
highlighted: `${prefix}__list-item--highlighted`,
viewset: `${prefix}__list-item--viewset`,
now: `${prefix}__list-item--now`,
buttonClear: `${prefix}__button--clear`,