You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

163 lines
5.3 KiB

import React from 'react';
import type { editor } from 'monaco-editor';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { load } from 'vj/components/monaco/loader';
import Editor from 'vj/components/editor';
import { diffLines } from 'diff';
import yaml from 'js-yaml';
import type { ProblemConfigFile, TestCaseConfig } from 'hydrooj/src/interface';
const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
config: state.config,
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({
handleUpdateCode: (code) => {
payload: code,
interface Props {
config: object;
handleUpdateCode: Function;
const configKey = [
'type', 'subType', 'target', 'score', 'time',
'memory', 'filename', 'checker_type', 'checker', 'interactor',
'user_extra_files', 'judge_extra_files', 'detail', 'outputs', 'redirect',
'cases', 'subtasks', 'langs',
const subtasksKey = [
'time', 'memory', 'score', 'if', 'id',
'type', 'cases',
const casesKey = ['time', 'memory', 'input', 'output'];
export function configYamlFormat(config: ProblemConfigFile) {
const formatConfig: ProblemConfigFile = {};
configKey.forEach((key) => {
if (config[key] !== undefined) {
if (key === 'subType' && ['single', 'multi'].includes(config[key]) && config.type !== 'submit_answer') return;
if (key === 'checker_type' && config.type !== 'default') return;
if (key === 'checker'
&& (['default', 'strict'].includes(formatConfig.checker_type) || !formatConfig.checker_type)) return;
if (key === 'interactor' && config.type !== 'interactive') return;
if (key === 'subtasks') {
formatConfig[key] = [];
config[key].forEach((subtask) => {
const formatSubtask: object = {};
subtasksKey.forEach((subtaskKey) => {
if (subtask && subtask[subtaskKey] !== undefined) {
formatSubtask[subtaskKey] = subtask[subtaskKey];
} else if (key === 'cases') {
formatConfig[key] = [];
config[key].forEach((caseItem) => {
const formatCase: TestCaseConfig = {
time: '1000ms', memory: '256MB', input: '', output: '',
casesKey.forEach((caseKey) => {
if (caseItem[caseKey] !== undefined) formatCase[caseKey] = caseItem[caseKey];
else delete formatCase[caseKey];
} else formatConfig[key] = config[key];
if (formatConfig.type === 'objective') {
Object.keys(formatConfig).filter((i) => !['type', 'answers'].includes(i)).forEach((i) => delete formatConfig[i]);
formatConfig.answers = config.answers || {};
Object.keys(formatConfig).filter((i) => i.startsWith('__')).forEach((i) => delete formatConfig[i]);
return formatConfig;
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(class MonacoEditor extends React.PureComponent<Props> {
disposable = [];
containerElement: HTMLElement;
private __preventUpdate = false;
private __preventFormat = false;
editor: editor.IStandaloneCodeEditor;
model: editor.ITextModel;
vjEditor: Editor;
async componentDidMount() {
const { monaco } = await load(['yaml']);
const uri = monaco.Uri.parse('hydro://problem/file/config.yaml');
this.model = monaco.editor.createModel(yaml.dump(configYamlFormat(this.props.config)), 'yaml', uri);
this.vjEditor = Editor.getOrConstruct($(this.containerElement), {
language: 'yaml',
model: this.model,
onChange: (value: string) => {
this.__preventUpdate = true;
if (!this.__preventFormat) this.props.handleUpdateCode(value);
this.__preventUpdate = false;
}) as Editor;
this.editor = this.vjEditor.editor;
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if (this.__preventUpdate || !this.model) return;
if (yaml.dump(prevProps.config) !== yaml.dump(this.props.config)) {
this.__preventFormat = true;
const curValue = this.model.getValue();
const diff = diffLines(curValue, yaml.dump(configYamlFormat(this.props.config)));
const ops = [];
let cursor = 1;
for (const line of diff) {
if (line.added) {
let range = this.model.getFullModelRange();
range = range.setStartPosition(cursor, 0);
range = range.setEndPosition(cursor, 0);
ops.push({ range, text: line.value });
} else if (line.removed) {
let range = this.model.getFullModelRange();
range = range.setStartPosition(cursor, 0);
cursor += line.count;
range = range.setEndPosition(cursor, 0);
ops.push({ range, text: '' });
} else cursor += line.count;
this.model.pushEditOperations([], ops, undefined);
this.__preventFormat = false;
componentWillUnmount() {
if (this.vjEditor) this.vjEditor.destory();
if (this.model) this.model.dispose();
if (this.editor) this.editor.dispose(); => i.dispose());
assignRef = (component) => {
this.containerElement = component;
render() {
return (
minHeight: '500px',
height: '100%',
width: '100%',