You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

170 lines
5.9 KiB

/// <reference no-default-lib="true"/>
/// <reference lib="ES2015" />
/// <reference types="@types/serviceworker" />
/* global clients */
/* eslint-disable no-restricted-globals */
import 'streamsaver/sw.js';
// TODO not working
self.addEventListener('notificationclick', (event) => {
console.log('On notification click: ', event.notification.tag);
if (!event.notification.tag.startsWith('message-')) return;
event.waitUntil(clients.matchAll({ type: 'window' }).then((clientList) => {
for (const client of clientList) {
if (client.url === '/home/messages' && 'focus' in client) return client.focus();
if (clients.openWindow) clients.openWindow('/home/messages');
return null;
const PRECACHE = `precache-${process.env.VERSION}`;
const DO_NOT_PRECACHE = ['vditor', '.worker.js', 'fonts', 'i.monaco'];
function shouldCachePath(path: string) {
if (!path.split('?')[0].split('/').pop()) return false;
if (!path.split('?')[0].split('/').pop().includes('.')) return false;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && (path.includes('.hot-update.') || path.includes('?version='))) return false;
return true;
function shouldCache(request: Request) {
if (!shouldCachePath(request.url)) return false;
// For files download, a response is formatted as string
if (request.headers.get('Pragma') === 'no-cache') return false;
return ['get', 'head', 'options'].includes(request.method.toLowerCase());
function shouldPreCache(name: string) {
if (!shouldCachePath(name)) return false;
if (DO_NOT_PRECACHE.filter((i) => name.includes(i)).length) return false;
return true;
interface ServiceWorkerConfig {
/** enabled hosts */
hosts: string[];
/** service domains */
domains: string[];
preload?: string;
let config: ServiceWorkerConfig = null;
function initConfig() {
config = JSON.parse(new URLSearchParams('config'));
config.hosts ||= [];
if (! = [];
console.log('Config:', config);
self.addEventListener('install', (event) => event.waitUntil((async () => {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' && config?.preload) {
const [cache, manifest] = await Promise.all([,
fetch('/manifest.json').then((res) => res.json()),
const files = Object.values(manifest).filter(shouldPreCache)
.map((i: string) => new URL(i, config.preload).toString());
await cache.addAll(files); // NOTE: CORS header
self.addEventListener('activate', (event) => {
const valid = [PRECACHE];
caches.keys().then((names) => names.filter((name) => !valid.includes(name)).map((p) => caches.delete(p)));
async function get(request: Request) {
const isResource = shouldCache(request);
for (const target of || []) {
const source = new URL(request.url); = target;
try {
console.log('From ', source.toString());
const r = await fetch(source, {
method: request.method,
credentials: isResource ? 'same-origin' : 'include',
headers: request.headers,
body: request.body,
redirect: request.redirect,
keepalive: request.keepalive,
referrer: request.referrer,
referrerPolicy: request.referrerPolicy,
signal: request.signal,
if (r.ok) {
console.log('Load success from ', source.toString());
return r;
} catch (error) {
console.warn(source.toString(), ' Load fail ', error);
return fetch(request);
async function cachedRespond(request: Request) {
const cachedResponse = await caches.match(request.url);
if (cachedResponse) return cachedResponse;
console.log(`Caching ${request.url}`);
const [cache, response] = await Promise.all([,
if (response.ok) {
cache.put(request.url, response.clone());
return response;
return fetch(request);
self.addEventListener('fetch', (event: FetchEvent) => {
if (!['get', 'post', 'head'].includes(event.request.method.toLowerCase())) return;
if (!config) return; // Don't do anything when not initialized
const url = new URL(event.request.url);
const rewritable = > 1
&& && url.origin === location.origin;
// Only handle whitelisted origins;
if (!config.hosts.some((i) => event.request.url.startsWith(i))) return;
if (shouldCache(event.request)) {
event.respondWith((async () => {
if (rewritable) {
const targets = => {
const t = new URL(event.request.url); = i;
return t.toString();
const results = await Promise.all( => caches.match(i)));
if (results.find((i) => i)) return results.find((i) => i);
return cachedRespond(event.request);
const cachedResponse = await caches.match(url);
if (cachedResponse) return cachedResponse;
console.log(`Caching ${event.request.url}`);
const [cache, response] = await Promise.all([,
fetch(url, {
headers: event.request.headers,
redirect: event.request.redirect,
keepalive: event.request.keepalive,
referrer: event.request.referrer,
referrerPolicy: event.request.referrerPolicy,
signal: event.request.signal,
}), // Fetch from url to prevent opaque response
if (response.ok) {
cache.put(url, response.clone());
return response;
console.log(`Failed to cache ${event.request.url}`, response);
// If response fails, re-fetch the original request to prevent
// errors caused by different headers and do not cache them
return fetch(event.request);
} else if (rewritable) event.respondWith(get(event.request));